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Army Cadet Emblem

Title Image: Army Cadets

Information on the NSCE

The National Star Certification Examination (NCSE) was developped to test the cadet's knowledge of the Star Program. The information on this page was taken from the National Star Certification Information Booklet (Adobe Acrobat, 1.4 Mb) that your cadet corps received from the cadet detachment.
(Version: 2004-06-14)

In additon, we've put together a study guide (Adobe Acrobat, 8.5 Mb) to explain fully the content of the exam and how it is tested, help you review all the necessary material for the exam and help you solidify your understanding of this material, and Prepare you to for the exam by guiding you through a systematic and effective study program.
(Version: 2004-06-10)

Details on the NSCE are available in CATO 43-02, National Star Certification Examination . This CATO covers:

  • Prerequisites
  • Types of Tests
  • Fitness Test Waivers
  • Retesting
  • Format and Conduct of the NSCE
  • Material
  • Weighting of Tests

Note that the format of the National Star Certification Exam has changed from previous years.

Please contact your Commanding Officer to register for the exam.

As indicated in the CATO, there are two phases to the exam:

  • Cadet General Knowledge Test
  • Skills Tests

Cadet General Knowledge Test

Based on information contained in:

  • PO 403 – BUSHCRAFT

The exams will consist of 100 questions. The pass mark is 60%.

Questions are either TRUE-or-FALSE or multiple choice.

Calculators are authorized.

Time limit is 90 minutes.

Skills Tests

The skills tests include:

  • Bushcraft
  • Map & Compass
  • Classroom Instruction
  • Drill Instruction
  • Physical Fitness

Bushcraft Skills Test

1. The test consists of the cadet tying the five of the eight knots listed below in less than 6 minutes:

  • thumb knot
  • clove hitch
  • half hitch
  • figure eight
  • double figure of eight (re-woven)
  • reef knot
  • bowline
  • fisherman's knot

2. The cadet must successfully complete five of the above requirement in order to pass the bushcraft skills test. The knots to be tied will be chosen by the D Cdts 3. Testing procedures will be explained to the cadets by the examining staff before commencement of the test.

Map and Compass Skills Test

The test consists of the cadet completing the following tasks within the 10-minute time limit for each task:

  • Determine a six figure grid reference for a specific point on a map and identify the elevation of a given point on a map
  • Measure the distance along a route on a map and measure a grid bearing on a map using a compass
  • Orient a map by inspection of the surrounding terrain and features
  • Calculate the magnetic declination of a map and orient a map with the compass.

Examiners will provide compasses and maps of the local area.

Classroom and Drill Instruction

Monitor’s guides for classroom and drill instruction are taken from the Silver and Gold Star Course Training Plans:

Cassroom and drill instruction PO/EO numbers are those used in the A-CR-CCP-118/PH001 (Green Star Course Training Plan), A-CR-CCP-119/PH001(Red Star Course Training Plan), A-CR-CCP-120/PH001 (Silver Star Course Training Plan).

A mark of 60% is required to be successful.

Cadets must prepare two copies of each lesson plan for each assigned mutual, one of which is to be to be given to the evaluator prior to beginning presentation of their mutual. The evaluator’s copy will be retained as part of the cadet NSCE assessment.

The use of training aids is permitted during the periods of mutual instruction. These training aids are to be prepared in conjunction with the cadet’s lesson plan. Cadets are to bring their copies of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets Reference Book. Before beginning the drill period of instruction, the cadet will be allowed to form the squad in a suitable formation for instruction. In either type of mutual instruction, cadets must teach as if to a class of cadets receiving first time instruction.

OHPs, chalkboards, etc. will be provided. Testing procedures are to be explained to cadets before the commencement of testing.

The mutuals shall be assigned to the cadet no later than two weeks prior to the cadet’s arrival at the testing centre. Each mutual is to be 30 minutes.

Classroom Mutuals

  • Discuss army cadet training EO 402.02
  • Identify officer and NCM rank structure in the Canadian Forces EO 402.03
  • Identify badges and medals of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets EO 402.06
  • List duties and responsibilities of a NCO EO 402.10
  • State the meaning of conventional signs and marginal information found on a topographical map EO 405.02, para 4a and 4b (para 11)
  • Measure a distance between two points on a topographical map EO 405.05 para 4c
  • Identify the parts of a compass and their functions EO 405.07 para 4b
  • Identify the points on a compass EO 405.08 para 4a and 4c.

Drill Mutuals

  • Adopt the position of attention, stand at ease, and stand easy EO 401.01
  • Execute turns at the halt EO 401.04
  • Execute paces forward and to the rear EO 401.05
  • Execute the movements required for the Right Dress EO 401.06
  • Salute with the hand at the halt EO 401.07
  • Execute open and close order march EO 401.09
  • Execute the movements for dismissal EO 401.10
  • Fall-in and fall-out of the ranks EO 401.15.

Before beginning the drill period of instruction, the cadet will be allowed to form the squad in a suitable formation for instruction.

Physical Fitness

The test is to be conducted IAW CATO 41-03 - Army Cadet Fitness Test. The minimum standard to pass is the Bronze level. Cadets who attain the Silver or Gold levels will be given a higher score.

The cadet must accumulate a minimum number of points according to his/her age and sex through sit-ups, push-ups, standing long jump and a shuttle run. Only the final number of points is important.