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Cadets To Participate in International Conference

 CMEF LogoFrom 25-28 September 2002, 125 Canadian youth between 15 and 25 years old will participate in the 2002 Multiculturalism Youth Forum as a part of an international conference looking back over Canada's 30 years of leadership in Multiculturalism. Six cadets from across Canada will be chosen to go to Edmonton to represent the Cadet Program and offer their perspective on the success of multiculturalism, its strengths and its weaknesses.

Cadets participating in the event will take part in a series of thought-provoking and challenging discussions about multiculturalism, diversity and justice with other young Canadian leaders, writers, artists and students: Does multiculturalism matter in the daily lives of young Canadians? Does the Cadet Program recognize our country's diversity?

The Youth Forum is not all about work. Social, musical and cultural activities are planned with a mix of interesting people and great food.

Cadet participation is sponsored entirely by the National Defence in light of the Cadet Program's continued commitment to diversity and in support of our common shared value of 'Mutual Respect'. Cadets 16 years old and over interested in attending the Youth Forum should contact their home region's point of contact. Cadets who are actively engaged with a genuine interest in multiculturalism issues are encouraged to apply.

This conference is hosted by the Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation in partnership with Heritage Canada, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canadian International Development Agency, and others.

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson is the patron.

Further information about the Youth Forum is available on the Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation website.