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Title Image: Air Cadets

Power Flying Scholarship


Flying scholarships are available to senior air cadets as a seven-week summer course. Cadets work towards their Transport Canada Private pilots license. Ninety-seven percent of cadets who are selected for the flying scholarship pass the course.

Transport Canada-licensed flying instructors train cadets using an approved Transport Canada flying and academic program. While on course, cadets are supervised and guided by Cadet Instructor Cadre officers.

The flying scholarship includes both practical and in class training. Before cadets start their practical training in aircraft, they must first review the basics of flying and learn the specific techniques to be used in the aircraft they will be flying.

Training is conducted at various flying schools across the country, selected through the Air Transport Association of Canada (ATAC) and l’Association québécoise des transporteurs aériens (AQTA).

Cadets take the flying scholarship within their own region. During the seven-week training period, each cadet receives a $60 training bonus per week - to a maximum of $360 - to cover minor expenses.

At the end of summer training, each cadet gets a course report, similar to a report card. It describes their performance and serves as a recommendation for further courses or jobs within the Cadet Program. Air cadets who have successfully completed the flying scholarship are authorized to wear the flying wings on their uniforms.

Air cadets who have successfully completed both the gliding scholarship and the flying scholarship are authorized to wear the gliding badge on the uniform sleeve.

Air cadets who have successfully completed the flying scholarship can teach aviation subjects to other cadets in their squadron.

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Who Can Apply?

Air cadets must meet the following criteria to apply for a flying scholarship:

  • Have completed level 4 by June 30th of the year,
  • Have an interest in and an aptitude for further air cadet training,
  • Have completed grade 10 or equivalent (for Quebec, Secondary 4) no later than the nomination date (by the regional committee),
  • Be medically fit – Cadets will need a Transport Canada Medical Certificate; Category 3,
  • Be 17 years old but not have reached 19 by the September after the course.

Air Cadets who have previously failed a flying training course because of an assessed lack of flying aptitude are normally not eligible for the flying scholarship, though each case is reviewed on an individual basis.

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How Do I Apply?

Cadets who meet all the application criteria will need to follow the steps below. All forms and information are available from the squadron staff:

Fill out an application form,

Write a one-page narrative on the reasons you want to participate in the flying scholarship,

Submit a copy of your Transport Canada Medical Certificate – Category 3. A copy of the Medical Certificate must reach the National Selection Committee no later than 1 June or the application will be rejected.

The application form, the narrative and the photocopy of your Transport Canada Medical Certificate must be submitted through your squadron.

Cadets are responsible for the cost of the medical, the Transport Canada examination fee and private pilot license fee.

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How Are Cadets Selected?

Each squadron has a maximum number of cadets they can send on the scholarship each year. This number is based on the number of cadets the squadron had at the annual review at the end of the previous year.

Cadets are selected through a three-level process.


Once you have filled out the form and submitted your narrative and a copy of your Transport Canada Medical Certificate to your squadron staff, you will need to write the qualifying examination.

A nomination committee formed of cadet squadron staff and the sponsoring committee will review the applications of those cadets who have passed the exam (minimum 50%) and forward those it recommends.


An assessment and recommendation committee of regional military staff and provincial Air Cadet League personnel will interview all cadets whose applications have been forwarded. The committee will evaluate each candidate based on:

  • Attitude, motivation, knowledge and interest in Air Cadets;
  • Attitude, motivation, knowledge and interest with respect to flying;
  • Academic achievement;
  • General knowledge;
  • Dress, deportment and self expression; and
  • Qualifying examination results.

It will ensure that the criteria are met and will place applications in a priority list.


The Directorate of Cadets and the Air Cadet League National Office do the final selection.

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Role of National Defence/Canadian Forces

National Defence/Canadian Forces is responsible for running the summer flying program including:

  • Transportation cadets to and from the course;
  • Food and accommodations;
  • Flight suits (either the local unit or the summer camp);
  • Log books;
  • Training manuals are loaned or made available to cadets for the duration of the scholarship; and
  • Contracting services from Flying Schools across Canada to instruct the Flying Scholarship candidates.

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Other Flying Scholarships

The Air Cadet League administers flying scholarship candidates a chance to get a $300 continuation flying training award. The purpose is to encourage cadets to stay involved in gliding and flying activities. Applications are given out at the end of the flying scholarship.

Monies for the continuation flying training comes from a trust fund set up by the Air Force Association of Canada and private donations.