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About us
BDC Venture Capital
Building success stories
Our sector focus
Our selection criteria
Fund Investments
Technology Seed Investments
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Our selection criteria

We review more than 1,000 business plans for prospective ventures every year, carefully selecting those that are in line with our investment strategy and meet our stringent selection criteria.*

Your company must have a distinct, sustainable, and competitive advantage
Your company has intellectual property, substantial proprietary knowledge, and technology ownership that provide significant barriers to entry as well as freedom to operate within the targeted vertical sector.

A technological platform
You have developed, or are currently developing, technologies with broader applications than a single product or market.

A highly-skilled and committed management team with entrepreneurial flair
You may not have a full team in place at the time of our investment, but you are market-oriented, have sound business instincts and experience that fit with your new role in the proposed venture. A partnership attitude is paramount.

A clearly-defined and realistic business plan
You have a clear strategy for success. You can quickly position your company in the competitive arena and your highly focused management team is able to adapt to constant change.

A market opportunity to support fast and long-term growth
Your market is large enough to sustain many players with substantial revenues and high growth rates. The market must be international in scope with a clear path to commercialization.

Dominant leadership in the marketplace

Your business could lead to a merger, strategic acquisition, or listing on a public exchange.

A readily-perceivable, constructive exit strategy
We seek return on investment commensurate with risk. Our exit is normally through an Initial Public Offering (IPO), a strategic sale, or in the case of companies with a strong recurring cash flow not wanting to sell or list their company, a leveraged management buy-out. We prefer investment opportunities that offer a three to five year exit window.

A syndicate of venture capital investors
Building your company into an industry leader will require large amounts of capital and a shared goal of creating value. That's why we prefer to team up with other institutional funds that share our selection criteria and investment focus.

*  While most of the prospective opportunities we review are fascinating, many do not meet our selection criteria, or present the type of growth that will require venture capital funding. We refer those opportunities to the proper financing alternative within the Bank.

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BDC Advantages
  An evergreen fund
  A proven track record
  Unparalleled expertise
  Local assistance with a global perspective
  A long-term focus
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