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Prince Edward Island Addiction Services

For information on
Provincial Addictions Services
call toll free

Our Mission

We will provide a continuum of addiction services which help Islanders live healthy, successful lives without relying on alcohol, drugs, or addictive behaviours.

Our Beliefs
  • Addiction to alcohol, drugs and gambling is a disease, just like cancer, diabetes and hypertension.
  • Addictions is a treatable disease and when people get well, all society benefits.
  • Treatment programs should be accessible at all stages of the illness.
  • Treatment must include the whole person, physical, emotional and spiritual.
  • Addictions is a family illness and all members should have information, support and treatment.
  • We remain committed to a 12-Step philosophy and mutual support systems to assist clients and families in ongoing recovery.
  • There can be substance abuse without substance dependency and education programs are needed to reduce the harmful consequences.
Treatment Model

Treatment is based on a disease model with a goal of abstinence through the support of self-help groups.

For More Information...

Provincial Addictions Facility, Mount Herbert, P.E.I.

The Official Website of the Government of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
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