Transportation Health and Safety Association of Ontario

THSAO Membership Notices:

Winter Driving Tips
Here's some tips and advice for winter driving.

Avoiding Collisions with Wild Animals
For advice on how to reduce your collision risk with wild animals, please follow this link for a Ministry of Transportation tip sheet:

For information and health and safety guidelines about AVIAN FLU, follow these links:

Information Bulletin
To learn more about preventing Legionella, click here for an information bulletin and workplace health & safety guideline.

Hours of Service / Fatigue Prevention courses
All scheduled Hours of Service / Fatigue Prevention courses will be postponed until the federal and provincial governments approve and adopt the new regulations. Please visit our web site for future updates.

Achievement Award Changes
Criteria for THSAO's health and safety achievement awards will change in 2006. Follow this link for more details.

THSAO's Tips on Safely Sharing the Road with Trucks
Click here for tip sheet

Hours of Service Rule - UPDATE
For an update on the latest revision to the US Hours of Service Rule, please follow this link.

recent news  

News for Federally Regulated Companies

Amendments have been made to the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (COHS Regulations). These amendments are located in Part XIX of the Canada Labour Code Part II Regulations and list the requirements for an employer in developing a prescribed program for the prevention of hazards in the workplace. For more information follow this link.

Young and New Workers - Are You Ready?

On June 6, 2005 Ontario's Ministry of Labour announced its inspectors will be focusing on employers who hire young and new workers. To help employers ensure their workplaces are safe for new and young workers, the MOL has provided excellent health and safety information. Follow this link for details.

2006 Training Course Schedule

Click here to have a look at the schedule. We've added some new courses. Print a copy and keep it handy! To book your courses right now, click here for on-line registration.

CVOR Holders can request a review of CVOR accident points

The criteria has been expanded to include accidents where charges were laid but did not result in a conviction because the charge was dismissed, withdrawn, quashed, stayed or acquitted. The review is strictly an administrative process and shall in no manner be construed as evidentiary in any current or subsequent legal process. Appeals will be handled by the CVOR Accident Point Review Panel, administered by the Transportation Health & Safety Association of Ontario. Please be advised that accidents that do not result in convictions will no longer be recorded on a Driver’s CVOR abstract. Follow this link for more Review Panel details.

A Message from the Road Safety Partners

Distracted, drowsy and aggressive driving were all topics of discussion at a Road Safety Think Tank last fall. A wide range of experts from across North America were brought together to look at ways to make our roads safer and to raise awareness of the risks of driving. Here is a 4-page summary of the findings of the Think Tank.

Latest issue of THSAO News now available