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Recent Research Projects

Since 2004, the following research reports have been released:

National Security and Human Rights (October 2006)

Since 2001, Canada has engaged in new and significant national security measures. A number of commentators have indicated that these measures could violate human rights principles. This report explores this matter in greater detail and identiftes key issues in the field of national security and human rights. The research report was prepared by Wesley K. Wark.

Managing the return to work : the human rights perspective (October 2006)

Several complaints filed with the Commission deal with employees returning to work after an extended leave (e.g. sick leave, work injury, maternity leave). This research project  reviews the status of the issue, with a view of later developing more specific guidelines for employers. The research report was prepared by Marie-Claude Chartier.

A Matter of Rights (October 2005)

As a result of section 67 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, some First Nations people living on reserve are denied full access to the human rights complaint resolution system available to other people in Canada. In issuing this report recommending the repeal of section 67, the Commission promotes the resolution of a long-standing and unacceptable gap in human rights protection.

No Answer (July 2005) and No Answer II (October 2006)

Most Canadians take it for granted that they can look up the telephone number of a federal department or agency, make a call and get the information they are seeking within a reasonable period of time. But this is often not the case for people who are Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, or have a speech impediment. This study provides objective baseline data on the availability, accessibility, effectiveness and quality of TTY services provided by federal organizations, and makes recommendations for improving the provision of telephonic communications services for people who cannot use the regular telephone system.

Protecting Their Rights (January 2004)

As an alternative to proceeding with various separate, individual complaints, this 2004 report was prepared to investigate and make recommendations on the human rights situation of federally sentenced women, particularly Aboriginal women and women with disabilities.