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Prix de Rome in Architecture for Emerging Practitioners

The Canada Council for the Arts Prix de Rome in Architecture for Emerging Practitioners is awarded to a recent graduate who demonstrates exceptional potential in contemporary architectural design. The recipient will have the opportunity to broaden his or her knowledge of contemporary architecture culture by visiting a series of selected buildings and to expand his or her professional skills with an internship at an internationally acclaimed architectural firm anywhere in the world. Applicants must specify the buildings they wish to visit and the firm where they wish to intern.

Upon returning to Canada, the recipient must relate his or her experience through public conferences, publications or exhibitions.

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Applicants must be:

  • Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada;
  • recipients of a bachelor’s or master’s degree at a Canadian school of architecture certified by the Canadian Architectural Certification Board, in the current year;
  • recommended by the director of the school of architecture issuing the degree (the director of a school may recommend only one student per competition).

All Canada Council for the Arts programs are accessible to Aboriginal artists and artists of diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.

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Application Deadline

Completed applications and support material must be postmarked no later than 1 October. If this date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline moves to the next business day.

The Canada Council for the Arts will not accept incomplete applications, applications sent after the competition closing date and applications sent by fax or e-mail.

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Value of Prize

The prize is $34,000, to be used over one year.

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How to Apply

Applicants to the Prix de Rome in Architecture for Emerging Practitioners must complete an application form, available from the Visual Arts Section or the Canada Council Web site, and submit it with the required support material.

Support Material
Applicants are required to include the following support material with their application:

  • a letter of recommendation from the director of the school of architecture issuing the degree;
  • a curriculum vitae (maximum of three pages);
  • a maximum of 20 slides (35 mm) or an IBM-compatible digital file on CD containing a maximum of 20 images illustrating the applicant’s architectural projects, along with a descriptive list;
  • a concise statement describing the applicant’s architectural design interests, listing the buildings he or she wishes to visit, naming the firm where he or she wishes to work, and identifying the form of the public presentation he or she would use upon return to Canada;
  • a letter of offer of employment from the foreign firm where the applicant plans to intern.
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Assessment of Applications

Assessment Process

The Canada Council for the Arts makes its funding decisions through the peer assessment process. Applications are assessed by a peer assessment committee composed of experienced professionals chosen for their specialized knowledge of contemporary architecture. Committee members are also selected to reflect a broad range of professional experience and schools and to ensure fair representation of gender, cultural diversity, Aboriginal peoples, regions, generations and both official languages.

Peer assessment committee decisions for this program are final recommendations for approval by the Canada Council.

Assessment Criteria

The assessment criteria are the artistic merit of the applicant’s architectural projects (40 percent), the quality of the proposed use to be made of the prize (20 percent), the relevance of the project to the applicant’s artistic and professional development (20 percent), and the demonstration of the project’s feasibility (20 percent).

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Notification Results

Applicants will be notified of the results, in writing, no later than four months after the competition closing date. Results are not released over the telephone.

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Application Form

Prix de Rome in Architecture for Emerging Practitioners (pdf, 206 KB)
This form can only be printed and cannot be filled out on-line.

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Further Information

This information sheet provides a summary of the Prix de Rome in Architecture for Emerging Practitioners. For further information or to request an application form, please contact Brigitte Desrochers, Architecture Officer in the Visual Arts Section. General information about grants is available on the Canada Council Web site.

Telephone: 1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or (613) 566-4414, ext. 5109

TTY (TDD) machine, for hearing-impaired callers: (613) 565-5194

Fax: (613) 566-4332

Visual Arts Section
Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa ON K1P 5V8

January 2004