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Protiva Biotherapeutics Inc.

Protiva Biotherapeutics Inc. Protiva is a new biotechnology company developing a systemic,
non-viral gene-delivery platform. Genomics and pharmaceutical companies with access to novel genes require gene-effective delivery to commercialize drugs.
In the non-viral gene delivery field, Protiva's technology is highly regarded as the only technology capable of generating systemically available products. Spun out of Inex Pharmaceuticals Corporation in 2001, Protiva will be the leader in targeted, gene-delivered protein products that are safe and effective for use in the treatment of cancer and inflammatory diseases.

Protiva's core gene delivery technology is referred to as 'SPLP' (stable plasmid lipid particles). The company's current focus in on further developing the SPLP technology platform based on a variety of gene candidates.

The company has also assembled a strong management team supported by a board of directors with exceptional credentials in the biotechnology and financial communities.

Protiva's gene-delivery technology uses lipids, or fats, to package plasmid DNA (genes) into small, uniform particles that encapsulate the plasmid DNA and protect it from degradation. When these particles are administered intravenously, they circulate in the blood and accumulate at sites in the body where blood vessels are leaky, such as sites of inflammation and tumor cell growth. Genes delivered with Protiva's technology are expressed as proteins at the site of accumulation, leading to a local therapeutic effect such as tumor cell destruction. Because SPLPs preferentially accumulate in tumors and sites of inflammation, Protiva's initial focus will be on developing therapeutic products for these diseases. The company's scientists have already demonstrated 'proof of principle' - SPLP delivered genes can inhibit and destroy tumors in animals.

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