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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide


Master Grower program

Master Grower program

CWB's Master Grower Program rules

Master Grower program


The high-quality wheat and barley harvested in Western Canada is sought after by customers around the globe. The key to this industry's success rests on the dedication and skill demonstrated by Prairie grain farmers, who rise to challenges and make the most of opportunities; farmers who provide the CWB with an exceptional product to market and meet customer needs.

The CWB recognizes the achievements of farmers through the Master Grower program, which rewards top producers and allows their knowledge to be shared with the western Canadian grain industry.

How it works

Farmers growing Master Grower-eligible crops are asked to submit a grain sample from this year's harvest to the CWB. Samples will be inspected by both CWB and quality experts and will be judged on:

Master Growers will be named based on entries achieving the highest overall scores.

For 2006-07, four classes are eligible for awards:

What farmers get

Master Growers are part of a club recognizing the best efforts of the most successful farmers. Master Grower designates will be selected by the CWB and other industry experts over the winter. CWB Master Growers will be announced at GrainWorld in February 2007.

Those named CWB Master Growers will receive:

Master Growers will also experience the pride of being able to share crop management techniques with CWB staff and fellow farmers. Master Growers' opinions will be sought after and respected and will enhance the strength of Western Canada's grain industry.

How to enter

Farmers wishing to take part in the program will submit grain samples each fall, which will be judged for quality by the CWB and quality experts in early winter.

Sample envelopes are available from your local Farm Business Representative, from elevator companies and from the CWB main office starting on August 8, 2006. Download, fill-out and submit your entry form from the CWB Web site and enclose it with your sample, or call the CWB Business Centre to have one mailed.

Samples must be from the 2006 harvest and entries must be received by Friday, September 29, 2006 to be eligible.

Have more questions

Contact CWB agronomist Mike Grenier at 204-983-2996 or by e-mail

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CWB's Master Grower Program rules

The CWB's Master Grower awards are open to all growers participating in the 2005-06 CWHW and CWRW Select Identity Preserved Contract Programs (IPCP) and to growers who achieve a selected malting barley contract . Entrants must complete the 2005-06 Master Grower program entry form and survey provided by the CWB, and send in a representative sample per field entry. Samples must be from the 2005 harvest and must be received by the CWB on or before Friday, October 28, 2005.

A panel of judges will use a preliminary visual inspection to identify the 20 best samples. The selected samples will be sent to Winnipeg for inspection and further quality analysis to determine end-use market suitability. The samples will then be ranked by industry experts. Sample cropping information provided on the entry form will be evaluated for best management practices. The selection of Master Growers by the CWB will be final.

Samples will not be returned to entrants, nor will the analysis of any sample be provided to the producer or to the public unless the CWB, in its sole discretion, decides otherwise.

Master Growers will be announced in early January 2006. Master Growers will have the opportunity to participate in a Canadian International Grains Institute (CIGI) program in Winnipeg, selection of the date for the trip is at the discretion of the CWB. Arrangements for the CIGI program will be made by the CWB.

The CWB reserves the right to cancel the contest if an insufficient number of entries are received and it reserves the right to substitute any prize with a prize of equal or lesser value.

Have more questions

Contact CWB agronomist Mike Grenier at 204-983-2996 or by e-mail

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