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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide



Statement from the Board of Directors of The Canadian Wheat Board

We, the board of directors of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), have today forwarded a resolution to the Hon. Chuck Strahl, Minister responsible for the CWB, expressing our support for the retention of our President and CEO, Adrian Measner.

We have asked that the Minister reconsider his actions in beginning a process on November 29, 2006 to terminate the appointment of Mr. Measner as President of this organization. We have asked that the Minister have consultations with the board before Mr. Measner’s appointment is terminated, as this would put the CWB at risk during this critical time in its history and potentially jeopardize the ability of the board to be held to account by western Canadian farmers.

The resolution was passed at a special teleconference meeting this morning. Elements of the resolution include the following:

In the letter to the Minister, we have emphasized Mr. Measner’s importance and value to this organization and the farmers it serves. The letter, signed by board chair Ken Ritter, includes the following extract:

“With over 30 years experience in the international grain business, Mr. Measner is a career CWB employee who has served the organization well, particularly in the capacity of President since December 2002. Mr. Measner’s original appointment was made on the recommendation of the board, after a thorough and comprehensive search process, which included the expertise and advice of a professional executive search firm.

During his period of leadership as President of the CWB, Mr. Measner has consistently demonstrated his ability to manage the business effectively and bring sound judgment to bear on many difficult issues. In addition, his advice and guidance to the board has proved invaluable in assisting it in fulfilling its role and responsibilities to western Canadian farmers. Both the CWB’s foreign and domestic customers have come to highly respect Mr. Measner, and his strong leadership has built fruitful relationships in both these sectors.

An effective relationship between a board of directors and its CEO is critical to organizational performance and success. Such a relationship has been established at the CWB, and the board relies heavily on Mr. Measner’s management strengths, particularly during this challenging time in the CWB’s history. To terminate Mr. Measner at this time would pose undue risk to the CWB, as strong leadership is needed to guide the CWB through a period of change and evolution. Farmers need to be assured that their interests continue to be protected, and it is the board’s firm view that Mr. Measner will provide both continuity and stability.”

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