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Bank of Canada

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Rates and Statistics

Interest Rates

U.S. Interest Rates: 10-Year Lookup

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The summary shows the high, low and average values for the period selected.
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1 Quick date:
  Weekly Monthly
Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y. Discount Rate
(Series ends 08 Jan 2003)
  V121816 V122149
U.S. - Prime Rate Charged By Banks
  V121820 V122148
Federal Funds Rate
  V121821 V122150
Commercial Paper (Adjusted)
1 month V121822 V122144
3 month V121823 V122141
Euro-US Dollar Deposits in London 3 month (BID)
  V121825 V122140
  1. Series frequency:
    • Daily series show values for each business day.
    • Weekly series values are as at Wednesday.
    • Monthly series show values for the last Wednesday of each month.
  2. Each series shows its CANSIM 'V' identifier.
  3. For rates prior to the past ten years, please refer to CANSIM at Statistics Canada.