Canadian Wheat Board

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Domestic Medium-Term Note Program

The domestic medium-term note program was established in 2004.

Term to maturity 1 to 15 years
Currencies CAD or USD
Denominations Individual global notes will be issued in multiples of $1,000 subject to a minimum principal amount of $100,000.
Form of Domestic Medium-Term Notes Notes issued in book entry only. For each issuance of Notes, a global note will be registered in the name of CDS & Co. or its nominee and deposited with CDS or its Nominee.
Yield basis Fixed or floating
Issue price At par or at a discount to, or at a premium over, par.
Selling restrictions The notes will be offered for sale only to investors who are residents of Canada.

The DMTN Program operates solely on a reverse inquiry basis. A dealer group has not been specified.