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Canadian Wheat Board

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CWB directors

District 1 Arthur Macklin Arthur Macklin
Art, along with his wife and son, operates a 1,600-acre grain and cattle farm north-east of Grande Prairie, Alberta. Art is active in both church and community, is a past president of the National Farmers Union and served as chair of the former CWB Advisory Committee.

Grande Prairie, AB
Home: (780) 532-0677
Farm: (780) 957-2583
Cell: (780) 518-0401
District 2 James Chatenay James Chatenay
James was born and raised in Alberta. After graduating from Olds Agricultural College, he returned to the family farm near Penhold, AB that he continues to operate today. James participated in the first Charolais importation from France in 1965. He also acted as a French-language interpreter in France and Canada, served six years as Director of the Alberta Charolais Association and judged several Charolais shows.

Red Deer, AB
Tel: (403) 886-4632
Fax: (403) 886-4622
Cell: (403) 302-2555
District 3 Larry Hill Larry Hill
Larry farms 5,200 acres near Swift Current. He obtained a degree in Agricultural Engineering (1965) and a Farm Business Management Certificate in Agriculture (1998) from the University of Saskatchewan. Previous experience includes working for Saskatchewan Agriculture and serving as a director on credit union and regional college boards.

Swift Current, SK
Tel: (306) 778-2359
District 4 Ken Ritter Ken Ritter, CWB Chair
Ken operates a family farm in the Major-Superb area of West Central Saskatchewan. As well as farming, Ken has practiced law and taught school in Canada and Australia. He has served as a Commissioner with the National Transportation Agency of Canada, and chaired the Saskatchewan Surface Rights Arbitration Board.

Kindersley, SK
Cell: (306) 463-9287
District 5 Allen Oberg Allen Oberg
Allen and his brother, John, run a grain and cattle operation near Forestburg, Alberta. He began working for Alberta Wheat Pool in 1976 before starting to farm full-time in 1980, but continued his association with the Alberta Wheat pool as a delegate in 1986. He was elected to the Board of Directors in 1990, and remained on the board until the Agricore-United Grain Growers merger in 2001. For the past two years, he has served on the federal Minister's Advisory Committee on Co-operatives.

Phone: (780) 582-2171 (daytime)
Phone: (780) 582-2271 (evenings
Fax: (790) 582-4127
District 6 Ian McCreary Ian McCreary
Ian was born and raised on a mixed farm near Bladworth, SK, which he runs today. Ian has Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Agricultural Economics from the University of Saskatchewan, and worked as a marketing manager and policy analyst with the CWB.

Bladworth, SK
Home: (306) 567-2099
Fax: (306) 567-2112
District 7 Dwayne Anderson Dwayne Anderson
In 2002, Dwayne and his wife, Sheila, seeded 2,600 acres of wheat, barley, canola, oats and peas on their third generation family farm in the Fosston/Rose Valley area of Saskatchewan. Dwayne served for over ten years as President and CEO of North East Terminal Ltd., a farmer-owned inland grain terminal and crop input business. He also was founding Chairman of the Inland Terminal Association of Canada (ITAC).

Fosston, SK
Tel: (306) 322-4415
Fax: (306) 322-4423
District 8 Rod Flaman Rod Flaman
Rod farms with his wife Jeanne just south of the Qu'Appelle Valley near Edenwold, Saskatchewan. They produce a variety of field and horticultural crops, including certified organic grain. Educated at the University of Saskatchewan, Rod has served as a director at Terminal 22 at Balcarres, Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Fruit Growers Association.

Edenwold, SK
Business tel: (306) 771-2823
Fax: (306) 771-4218
District 9 William Nicholson William Nicholson
Bill and his family farm 4,300 acres at Shoal Lake, MB producing cereals, oilseeds and pulse crops. Bill has a degree in agricultural engineering and has worked in the farm machinery industry. He has served on the Advisory Committee to the CWB, been a Manitoba Pool delegate, represented farmers on the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute Council, and is president of the local credit union board.

Shoal Lake, MB
Tel: (204) 759-2368
Fax: (204) 759-2484
District 10 Bill Toews Bill Toews
Bill and his wife Barbara operate Harambee Farms, a grain and special crops farm at Kane, Manitoba. Bill is actively involved in the industry serving as director of Keystone Agriculture Producers, a member of the wheat, rye and triticale sub-committee of the Prairie Region Recommending Committee for Grains and as chair of the wheat technical advisory committee and immediate past vice-chair of the Western Grain Research Foundation. Bill has a degree in Agriculture and a post-graduate degree in soil science.

Kane, MB
Tel: (204) 343-2002
Adrian Measner Adrian Measner
President and CEO

Adrian has been actively involved in the Prairie grain industry for over 26 years. He has extensive senior management experience in sales and transportation, holding key executive positions over his 24 years at the CWB. He spent two years at the Grain Transportation Agency and serves on the Canadian International Grains Institute (CIGI) board of directors. He was raised on a farm in Holdfast, Saskatchewan and educated at the University of Saskatchewan. Adrian is currently involved in a small grain farming operation in Manitoba's Interlake region.
William Cheuk William Cheuk

William is president of Vancouver-based South Alder Greenhouses Ltd. and Vision Envirotech International Ltd., as well as vice-president of Emerge Venture Capital Inc. He has led numerous trade missions to Asia and has experience with international trade dispute resolution. William has played a central role in the Environmental Farm Planning Program for sustainable development in agriculture. He hasa Bachelorof Business Administration degree, majoring in accounting from Simon Fraser University as well as a Bachelor and a Ph.D. degrees in Chemical and Biological engineering from University of British Columbia.
Ken Motiuk Ken Motiuk

Ken has extensive experience in agri-business and owns and operates grain and livestock operations near Mundare, Alberta. He holds a bachelor of science in agricultural economics from the University of Alberta. Ken currently serves as a director of the Alberta Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation, a member of the Fiscal and Regulatory Committee of the Alberta Economic Development Authority, and a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors.
  Bruce Johnson

Bruce has worked in the grain industry for more than 25 years. He has held senior positions in both privately-held and cooperative grain companies and has served on several boards. Bruce has provided consulting services to a broad range of clients in transportation, food and agriculture, and government. He holds a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Manitoba and currently resides in Regina.

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