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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide



Last updated: November 30, 2006

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2007-08 Fixed Price Contract and Basis Payment Contract


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2006-07 Fixed Price Contract and Basis Payment Contract

The CWB offers an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service providing 24-hour access to all PPO contract information required to administrate reporting by calling 1-800-718-4033.

Feed barley
Selected barley

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2006-07 Early Payment Options

The CWB offers an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service providing 24-hour access to all PPO contract information required to administrate reporting by calling 1-800-718-4033.

Durum (No. 4 CWAD)
Feed barley
Selected barley
Feed wheat
Durum (No. 5 CWAD)

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2006-07 Delivery Exchange contract


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2006-07 Daily Price Contract

The CWB offers an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service providing 24-hour access to all PPO contract information required to administrate reporting by calling 1-800-718-4033.


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2005-06 Guaranteed Delivery Contract

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2006-07 Guaranteed Delivery Contract

Feed barley
Feed wheat
Durum (No. 4 and No. 5 CWAD)

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2006-07 Organic Spread Contract


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Information system


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Payment deferral form

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Direct deposit

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Producer cars

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Cash advance program

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2006-07 Identity Preserved Contract Program

Terms and conditions

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2007-08 Identity Preserved Contract Program

Sign-up application

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