Weather highlights

The CWB's Weather and Crop Surveillance group assesses the impact of weather on grain crops in Western Canada and around the world. Crop production estimates are updated regularly and are used to project grain supplies.

Staff prepare 250 different estimates for major crops in 50 countries around the world. Daily weather information is collected from more than 2,000 stations and global satellite images to provide information for assessing crop quailty and yield potential in major grain growing regions.

To better serve farmers, the CWB weather and crop surveillance department has also developed precipitation, soil moisture and crop development maps.

This map is available to farmers only within the CWB e-services portal.

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World crop and weather highlights

Below are links to National Weather Service world climate maps courtesy of the NWS Climate Prediction Center. Clicking on a link will open a map in a new window.

Western Canada
Last updated: November 27, 2006

Arctic temperatures plunged into the western areas of the Prairies last week, which resulted in the breaking of some long term records. Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan reported warmer than normal temperatures during the week, but the cold conditions moved into the region during the weekend. Weekly average temperatures ranged from 5 to 8 degrees Celsius below normal in northern Alberta to 4 to 8 degrees above normal in Manitoba. Precipitation was light in most areas of the Prairies, with the only significant precipitation falling in northern Alberta. Snowcover is normal to above normal in the northern areas of Saskatchewan and Alberta, while southern areas are mostly below normal.

United States
Last updated: November 27, 2006
Dry, warm weather prevailed across most of the agricultural regions in the central U.S. last week. The western and eastern coastal regions reported moderate to heavy (15 100+mm), with the largest amounts occurring in the Pacific Northwest. Temperatures were 2 to 5 degrees Celsius above normal in the western and central areas of the U.S., while the eastern third of the country was 1 to 2 degrees Celsius below normal. The warm, dry weather was welcomed in the eastern Cornbelt, which had been struggling with excess moisture during the row crop harvest. HRW prospects continue to be a concern in the central and southern Plains as dry weather has prevailed since planting. Soil moisture reserves in central Kansas and north-central Oklahoma are very poor and additional precipitation is needed to encourage crop growth.

Last updated: November 27, 2006
Light rainfall (10 15 mm) continued to disrupt the final stages of the wheat harvest in the northern parts of Argentina last week. Dry weather prevailed across the southern growing areas, which helped boost crop development and maturity. Temperatures were above normal across the region, with weekly averages 2 to 4 degrees Celsius above normal. The warm weather also encouraged row crop planting, which is nearing completion in the northern growing areas. Recent moisture and warm temperatures are providing good early season weather for row crops in Argentina.

Last updated: November 27, 2006
The central and southern areas of Brazil's soybean growing region continued to receive beneficial rainfall (50-100 mm) last week. Drier conditions were reported in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which encouraged the completion of the wheat harvest. Temperatures were moderately higher than average (1-2°C above), which boosted the development of row crops. Daily high's reached the upper 30's in the central growing region, which caused some stress to developing soybean crops. The remainder of the grain growing region reported high's in the upper 20's and low 30's.

Last updated: November 27, 2006
Dry weather prevailed across Australia last week, which encouraged harvest activity in all regions. Harvest has wrapped up in northern areas and is now concentrated in the central and southern growing areas. Temperatures were 2 to 6 degrees Celsius above normal in all areas except coastal Queensland. The above normal temperatures also encouraged the rapid growth of summer crops in northern growing areas of New South Wales and southern Queensland. Harvest reports from Australia continue to confirm the damage from the significant drought experienced during the growing season.

Western Europe
Last updated: November 27, 2006
Warmer than normal temperatures continued across Europe last week, with weekly deviations 1 to 9 degrees Celsius above normal. Mainland countries were the warmest, with daytime high's reaching 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, which increased late season development of winter cereals. Daytime high's through southern countries continued to reach 20 to 25 degrees Celsius, boosting winter cereal establishment. No frost was reported across Europe last week, although low temperatures reached 0 to +5 degrees Celsius. Precipitation across Europe was heavier last week, with many countries receiving 10 to 50 mm. Spain and Portugal continued to receive welcomed rains (10 50+ mm), although northern areas were the beneficiary last week. Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Scandinavian countries all received 10 to 50+ mm of precipitation last week, improving soil moisture supplies. After several week of dryness, Italy finally received showers last week, with 10 to 30 mm recorded in many locations.

Eastern Europe
Last updated: November 27, 2006
Warm, mainly dry conditions continued across most regions of Eastern Europe last week. Southern Bulgaria and eastern countries in the Former Yugoslavia received 10 to 40 mm of precipitation, while all other Eastern European countries were dry. Weekly temperatures were well above normal, with deviations of 4 to 9 degrees Celsius above normal. Daytime high's reached 15 to 25 degrees Celsius, providing additional growth of winter cereals. Harvesting of row crops also improved with favourable weather.

Last updated: November 27, 2006
Temperatures remained warm across western regions of European Russia last week, with departures of +1 to +6 degrees Celsius. Eastern regions (Volga Valley, including the New Lands region) were under the influence of bitterly cold temperatures, with low's of -5 to 25 degrees Celsius. Seeding of 2007 winter cereals is complete in all regions. The Black Soils Region and Volga Valley struggled to reach 0 to +5 degrees Celsius for most of the week. A significant frost covered much of the South District, which continued to harden winter cereals. Precipitation was minimal for the first time in several weeks, with the Black Soils Region and Volga Valley receiving 10 to 25 mm of scattered precipitation. In the Black Soils region and Volga Valley, much of the precipitation fell as snow. Soil moisture levels across the South District and southern areas of the Volga Valley have improved over several weeks, due to well above normal precipitation totals.

Spring wheat regions received 10 to 25 mm of precipitation through the Urals and Siberia area. Weekly average temperatures in the New Lands region were well below seasonal values (0 to 8°C) across all oblasts. Overnight low's were bitterly cold, reaching -20 to -30 degrees Celsius.

Last updated: November 27, 2006
Precipitation was sparse across most regions of the Ukraine last week, with most areas receiving less than 10 mm. Weekly average temperatures remained above normal (+1 to +7°C) in all regions, with nighttime temperatures ranging between 0 to –5 degrees Celsius. No damage is anticipated for winter cereals grown throughout the region. Harvesting of row crops is nearing completion in southern and central regions, with some delays as a result of cooler temperatures last week. Planting of winter cereals is complete in all regions. Soil moisture levels have improved over the last month (above normal precipitation) in southern and eastern regions, which has been favourable for the development of winter cereals.

Last updated: November 27, 2006
Temperatures in Kazakhstan plummeted last week, with weekly departures of -3 to 10 degrees Celsius. Overnight low's were bitterly cold (-20 to -30°C). Daytime temperatures struggled to reach -5 degrees Celsius, which ushered in the first winter like conditions of the season. Snow covered western and eastern oblasts received 10 to 50 mm of water equivalent precipitation. The snow was welcomed in western regions and will provide a protective blanket for winter cereals.

Last updated: November 27, 2006
Weekly temperatures moderated over much of the North Plain and Northeast regions, with deviation of -1 to +4 degrees Celsius. Significant frost covered northeastern regions with low's of -5 to -20 degrees Celsius. Hebei and Shanxi continue to record frost with low's of 0 to 5 degrees Celsius, slowing winter cereal development. After several weeks of below normal rainfall totals, last week brought wide area showers/rain (10 50 mm) to Henan, Shandong, Anhui, and Jiangsu. Hebei also received coverage with 10 to 30 mm in southern regions. The precipitation will relieve the short-term dryness, but soil moisture levels remain a concern in Hebei, Shandong, and Henan as these provinces have received significantly below normal precipitation over the past two months (<50% of normal). Daytime high's continued to reach 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, boosting late season development of winter cereals. Soil moisture levels in northern areas remain less than ideal with many areas in need of follow-up rains. Planting of winter cereals is complete across the North Plain, with dormancy initiated in northern regions.

Last updated: November 27, 2006
Mainly dry weather and above seasonal temperatures covered most northwest regions of India last week, which boosted the seeding pace across the region. Northwest regions of India and most of Pakistan recorded very light showers (<10 mm). Punjab had isolated storms producing totals of 10 to 25 mm. Extreme southern regions of India continue to receive post monsoon rains, with totals ranging from 10 to 50+ mm. Temperatures in India were above seasonal (+1 to +5°C) across most winter cereal regions, with daytime high's reaching 30 to 35 degrees. The dry and hot conditions were not welcomed as the monsoon rains were below normal in the key wheat growing areas of northwestern India, reducing soil moisture levels and irrigation supplies. Planting of winter cereals will continue over the next month and a half.

South Africa
Last updated: November 27, 2006
Wet conditions continued in both corn and winter cereal regions of South Africa last week. The central and northern corn and wheat regions received amounts of 10 to 30 mm. Recent rains have improved soil moisture supplies for planting and establishment of corn, while the last two weeks of rains hurt harvest progress and quality of winter cereals. Weekly average temperatures were seasonal in central and eastern regions, while western regions were above normal, aiding harvest activities.

North Africa
Last updated: November 27, 2006
Light, scattered showers (<10 mm) fell in parts of Morocco, eastern Algeria, and Tunisia last week. The rains were not enough to encourage widespread planting in eastern Algeria, and the planting window is beginning to close for farmers in the region. Planting later than the optimal date increases the drought/heat risk when the crop matures in the spring. Moisture conditions in Morocco have been improved by the recent rains and has allowed for some planting to resume. More rain is needed to encourage winter wheat planting which normally occurs the first week of December.

Last updated: November 27, 2006
Precipitation was scattered and light (<10 mm) across most regions of Iran last week. Western regions received heavier amounts with 10 to 25 mm in isolated locations. Areas along the Caspian Sea received light showers last week. Average temperatures were -3 to -8 degrees Celsius below normal from western to eastern regions. Overnights low's reached 0 to 10 degrees Celsius in northwestern regions. Southwestern regions were also felt the influence of frost, with low's of 0 to -5 degrees Celsius. Winter wheat seeding and establishment was slowed by the cooler temperatures.

Last updated: November 27, 2006
Rains were scattered and light (<10 mm) in all regions of Syria last week. Precipitation amounts over the past month have been well above normal in all areas. The last month of rains has boosted early season soil moisture supplies and aided seeding efforts in northern regions. Planting of winter grains will continue over the next several weeks. Weekly average temperatures were well below seasonal, with a hard frost covering inland regions of Syria.

Last updated: November 27, 2006
Dry weather returned to most winter cereal regions of Turkey this week. Southwestern regions along the Mediterranean received 5 to 20 mm. Heavy rains over the past month have alleviated any concern regarding low soil moisture levels for planting and establishment of winter crops. Seeding of winter cereals is complete as low temperatures (0 to -10°C) covered much of the region. Cool overnight temperatures slowed establishment of winter cereals, with dormancy continuing in many areas. Weekly temperatures were above normal in western regions, while the east remained below normal.