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Cape Breton Growth Fund Corporation / Societe du le Fonds d'investissement du Cap-Breton.Canada


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Cape Breton Growth Fund Investment Principals EDS  The investment principles are meant to serve as a guideline for the development of economic adjustment programming. They are:

  1. Leverage - In order to maximize economic benefits, the fund must be used to leverage other sources of funding, both private and public. The fund must be used by the private sector to maximize economic benefits.

  2. Focus on Long-term Sustainable Growth - Projects should demonstrate that they are viable and can be sustained for a long period of time.

  3. Incremental to Existing Programming - The fund must be incremental to existing programming. Existing programs must continue to play a significant role in the economic renewal process and CBGF funding cannot replace those programs.

  4. Job Creation - The ability of a project to facilitate long-term sustainable job creation is paramount. Programming and project selection will be rigorous to ensure that all resources are used to create jobs. Infrastructure projects must demonstrate a clear and definitive link to future commercial activity which can create sustainable jobs for residents.

  5. Results Management - There needs to be a clear framework for measuring the results of a CBGF investment.

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