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Cape Breton Growth Fund Corporation / Societe du le Fonds d'investissement du Cap-Breton.Canada


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Cape Breton Growth Fund Strategic Objectives The CBGF has established six strategic objectives that relate directly to the mandate and  mission of the CBGF.


To generate real economic wealth and business development, Cape Breton businesses must be able to export their goods and services. Regional markets are too small to produce the jobs and new income is needed to sustain economic recovery in Cape Breton. Simply selling goods and services to one another will not produce the desired economic outcomes. Throughout Cape Breton there are encouraging success stories with respect to the development of export markets. However, more has to be done to increase exports.

Industrial Benefits

Cape Breton is currently witnessing the emergence of two new industry sectors - offshore oil and gas and environmental remediation. These sectors offer significant potential for job creation and economic growth in Cape Breton. Efforts must be undertaken to ensure Cape Breton labour and businesses enjoy the economic benefits of these emerging industries. This will be accomplished by assisting Cape Breton labour and businesses to become active, competitive participants.


Innovation has become an increasingly important factor in the competitiveness of firms and in turn the economic growth of regions. Investments in infrastructure that will meet the needs of industry and that strengthen the linkages between researchers, training institutions and the private sector will facilitate technology commercialization in Cape Breton.

Access to Capital

Many of Cape Breton's businesses have difficulty accessing capital and often the capital they can access is too expensive or inappropriate to the needs of the company. Cape Breton's knowledge-based businesses are particularly vulnerable to capital availability, especially equity.

Direct Investment

While local enterprise has an important role to play in the generation of wealth through exports, other complementary avenues should also be pursued, including the enticement of new export-oriented business to Cape Breton Island. It is anticipated that selective prospecting can be successful in bringing new business to the area which would include potential partnerships between local businesses and international companies.


Quality infrastructure contributes to long-term growth by enabling Cape Breton businesses to transact their affairs and to deliver product and services to market on time and at competitive rates. Infrastructure development will potentially generate immediate direct and indirect employment for Cape Breton labour. The emphasis will be placed on infrastructure that supports technology, increased trade and community economic development.

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