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Feature Articles

Looking for a feature for your newspaper, magazine or newsletter? These feature articles are prepared by FCC and free for your publication. Just let us know where and when we’ll see it.

Young farmers face big challenges
The baby boomer bubble is about to burst in the agriculture industry.

What’s it take to feed 100,000 people?
We produce a lot of food in Ontario — some of the best quality food in the world. Despite this abundance all around us, thousands of families still don’t have enough to eat.

Good records provide opportunity
How great was the Great One? Did the Dominator really dominate?

Students give up spring break for agriculture
Joanna Smith thought she knew something about agriculture. Her godparents operate a dairy farm and many of her relatives live in rural areas.

Milk doesn’t grow on trees
Canadian kids can tell you who Eminem is and list five of his big hits, but many can’t tell you where milk comes from.

Agriculture students experience success
A challenge for many producers starting out is accessing reliable farm management information, particularly related to business planning. The Farm Credit Canada (FCC) Business Planning Award, offered through FCC’s AgriSuccess program, gives students real-life strategic planning experience and encourages them to build a solid foundation for their future.

This little piggy went to market
If you haven’t already stopped to shop at your local farmer’s market, chances are you will. But ever wonder what goodies you might find in the next province? Or for that matter, across the country?

Finding the road to successful farm management
Canadian farmers continually demonstrate strength and innovation in dealing with the factors that impact farming today. Fred and Irene Koskamp, farmers in Ontario, are like others in their desire for immediate solutions to implement in their farming operation. The Koskamps find ongoing education and current trend information necessary to keep their planning and management skills polished. They say workshops have enhanced their agriculture knowledge and expertise.

Who drives to town?
For years Dad always drove the truck to town. But now his children are running the show. So what happens when Dad wants Son or Daughter to run the business but refuses to give up the driver’s seat?

Plant now, pay later
The world is full of choice. Just look at wine. You can pick a bottle based on colour, flavour, aroma or alcoholic content. You can choose between natural, fortified or sparkling wines. The possibilities are endless.

Planning your poultry operation
You have a lot of choices to consider when purchasing a poultry operation. Fortunately, there are many good resources available to assist you in start up planning and financing.

Spring 2005 - Farmland values continue to rise
We know that land is a major asset in any farm operation. Knowing the value of property and understanding trends can be an advantage when you are contemplating buying, selling or transferring land.

Keep the best
In many instances farming continues to be a family business. Skills are passed from grandparents to parents and children. Because of close proximity, family members know each other’s communication style and work habits. Often, thoughts can be communicated with few words. And, since the youngest are subordinate by age, employee management isn’t much of an issue.

Human resources and farming: Managing the "people" factor
What's the biggest competitive advantage enjoyed by family owned and operated farm businesses? It's the people who live and work there. Often dubbed "the loyalty factor," the dedication and hard work of family members who farm together has been an inherent strength for many centuries.


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