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The Story

The first Drive Away Hunger tour took place in September 2004. Dale Snider, FCC Account Manager in Guelph, drove an open-cab tractor and trailer through the Listowel area for eight days. Dale camped out along the way, collecting donations and food for local food banks. Dale’s tour raised almost 60,000 pounds of food. The goal was 30,000 pounds.

In 2005, Paul LePage, FCC Account Manager in Saskatoon and Rene Belanger, FCC District Manager in New Brunswick, followed Dale’s lead. Their tours collected over 108,000 pounds for food banks in Saskatchewan and New Brunswick.

Since 2004, Drive Away Hunger has collected 168,000 pounds of food for rural food banks.

The province-wide campaign in Ontario has a goal of collecting over 100,000 pounds of food, creating a combined total of almost 270,000 pounds.

Campaign Goal Amount Collected
2004 30,000 lbs 59,931 lbs
2005 45,000 lbs 108,192 lbs
2006 100,000 lbs 350,845 lbs
Total 175,000 lbs 518,968 lbs

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