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How FCC Makes Lending Decisions

There's a lot to consider in a loan application. Find out what affects that final decision.

FCC lending decisions are based on factors including:

  • Prior credit history
  • Repayment ability
  • Security

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An Equifax report is a key indicator of credit history and is used to determine your credit rating. You can get a free hard copy of this report by calling 1-800-465-7166, or access your report (for a fee) at

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The 5 Cs of credit are key considerations in all primary production loans:

Character - An assessment of both the experience and capacities of the business' management personnel is critical. We consider:

  • planning skills and experience
  • financial skills
  • credit history
  • integrity

Capacity (repayment ability) - Capacity addresses the past financial performance of the enterprise, a prime indicator of its future viability and the likelihood of loans being repaid in an orderly manner. We consider:

  • past and projected financial performance
  • outside (off-farm) income

Commitment - The commitment of the owners of the enterprise is crucial to its success. We consider both financial and non-financial commitment to the business.

Collateral - Collateral provides the secondary source of repayment. To ensure adequate coverage for the loan, we look at:

  • available security and its value
  • commitment to other lenders

Conditions - To assess the future viability of the enterprise and determine risk, we evaluate:

  • legislation that could affect the industry
  • market conditions
  • current and potential economic impact
  • potential environmental impact

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For commercial AgValue loans, the 4 Ms of commercial credit are key:

We consider the overall experience of the owners/management:

  • succession planning
  • employee training and loyalty
  • financial management history
  • reporting systems
  • financial capacity (net worth and financial history)

Long-term viability of a business depends on:

  • market acceptance
  • stability of demand
  • vulnerability to the competition
  • market size
  • sales terms (reputation of purchasers, restrictions on cash flow, collection strategy)

This area includes the company's financial position and planning:

  • working capital and liquidity position
  • other liabilities and contingencies (could include guarantees or pending law suits)
  • company's debt/equity position and debt service
  • commitment of retained earnings
  • earnings history
  • shareholders' loan performance
  • planned changes and their effect
  • the amount and purpose of the loan and its terms
  • estimated value of security

We evaluate all aspects of production and available product:

  • inventory
  • source of supply
  • length of the manufacturing period
  • capital invested in works in progress
  • nature of costs
  • nature of fixed assets
  • potential impact of the regulatory environment and environmental regulations

In addition to all these factors, we look at other variables before making a final decision.

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