Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide


Fixed price and basis payment contracts

2006-07 pricing schedule


Effective: December 05, 2006 2:30 p.m. CT
Expires: December 06, 2006 7:30 a.m. CT
The next pricing schedule will be available at 2:30 p.m. CT on December 06, 2006. Winnipeg is located in the Central Time (CT) zone and all deadlines are quoted as CT.

Price risk for tonnage committed to a Fixed Price Contract (FPC) is managed outside the CWB pool accounts. To accommodate sign-up of tonnage to the program after August 1, 2006, the adjustment factor is added to the fixed price the CWB offers. The adjustment factor varies to account for the amount of priced sales already attributed to the pool accounts and is dependent on current prices versus sale prices. The adjustment factor can be either positive or negative depending on current price levels.

Feed Durum Delivery Discounts
A class specific feed durum discount will apply to deliveries of Nos. 4 and 5 CWAD. The discount according to your contracted class is:

$ Cdn/tonne $ Cdn/bushel
Durum $0.00 $0.00

The CWB will hedge the risk associated with offering the FPC program and may use the Minneapolis Hard Red Spring futures contract for this purpose. Any losses that may occur on the Minneapolis Hard Red Spring futures contract will be included in the determination of the buy out cost for the Fixed Price Contract for durum.

The CWB reserves the right to withdraw this Offer at any time and without prior notice. In order to be valid, any acceptance must be received at the CWB's head office in accordance with the approved methods of acceptance prior to the expiry or withdrawal of this Offer. The CWB will send written confirmation to the producer.

Farmers signing a Fixed Price Contract for durum are guaranteed acceptance of 60 per cent of their production offered under the Series A and B 2006-07 durum delivery contracts combined (up to the maximum of their Fixed Price Contract). If the total CWB delivery contract acceptance for these three contract series is less than 60 per cent, farmers will receive delivery opportunity at the end of the crop year to fulfill the 60 per cent delivery guarantee. The Fixed Price Contract for durum is a pricing commitment only with no delivery terms. The minimum delivery guarantee should be used as a guide to determine the amount of production to offer under the program. Farmers are subject to all the delivery conditions of the 2006-07 delivery contracts.

For more information on this or other Producer Payment Options, please contact the CWB at 1-800-275-4292.

The " 2006-07 CWB Fixed Price Contract for Durum: Terms and Conditions" apply to this Offer.