Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide


Fixed price and basis payment contracts

2006-07 pricing schedule


Effective: December 06, 2006 2:30 p.m. CT
Expires: December 07, 2006 7:30 a.m. CT
The next pricing schedule will be available at 2:30 p.m. CT on December 07, 2006. Winnipeg is located in the Central Time (CT) zone and all deadlines are quoted as CT.

Prices offered are based on the reference grades for CWRS, CWES and CWHWS, as per the "2006-07 CWB Fixed Price Contract and Basis Payment Contract for wheat: Terms and Conditions", in store Vancouver or St. Lawrence, are:

$ US/bushel $ Cdn/tonne $ Cdn/bushel
Futures Prices - Minneapolis Hard Red Spring
March 2007 $5.07 $212.94 $5.80
May 2007 $5.13 $215.07 $5.85
July 2007 $5.10 $213.65 $5.81

Feed Wheat Delivery Discounts
A class specific feed wheat discount will apply to deliveries of CW Feed, No. 4 CWRS and No. 4 CWHWS, settled on ( December 06, 2006 ). The discount according to your contracted class is:

$ Cdn/tonne $ Cdn/bushel
Canada Western Extra Strong (CWES) $21.32 $0.58
Canada Western Hard White Spring (CWHWS) $0.00 $0.00
Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) $0.00 $0.00

The CWB reserves the right to withdraw this Offer at any time and without prior notice. In order to be valid, any acceptance must be received at the CWB's head office in accordance with the approved methods of acceptance prior to the expiry or withdrawal of this Offer. The CWB will send written confirmation to the producer.

PROVISIONS SPECIFIC to the Basis Payment Contract

  1. Producers can lock in a March, May and July Futures Price.
  2. The Futures Price must be locked in on or before the Basis Contract Month Expiry Date.

Futures Month Basis Contract Month Expiry Date
March 2007 7:30 am February 28, 2007
May 2007 7:30 am April 30, 2007
July 2007 7:30 am June 29, 2007

Target Pricing

The target pricing service, Target Price, provides producers the ability to place lock-in orders for their futures prices. Producers can inform the CWB the target price at which they want their contract locked in, the class of grain, tonnage and the time period over which the order is to stand.

The CWB will monitor prices daily and if the futures price on the pricing schedule (released daily at 2:30 pm) reaches or exceeds the target price, the order will be filled. Target orders are matched to the daily settlement values, and not to intra-day trading values. If the settlement price exceeds the target price, the producer will receive a contract for the higher settlement value. The service is free of charge and orders can be cancelled at any time before they are filled. Orders can be placed any time during the sign-up period. Producer's can place a target price order by calling the CWB at 1-800-275-4292 between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Central Time Monday to Friday or faxing in Target Pricing Order Form.

For more information on this or other Producer Payment Options, please contact the CWB at 1-800-275-4292.

The "2006-07 CWB Fixed Price Contract and Basis Payment Contract for wheat: Terms and Conditions" apply to this Offer.