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CSC Report

The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) has released its response to the Commission’s special report to Parliament, Protecting Their Rights: A Systemic Review of Human Rights in Correctional Services for Federally Sentenced Women.

The Commission is pleased with the work undertaken by the CSC to respond to the recommendations made in the January 2004 report. It is a positive step that CSC has agreed to implement in whole or in part most of the recommendations put forth in the special report.

The CSC has taken the positive step of committing itself to reporting publicly on an annual basis on the implementation of the recommendations and the progress of their action plan. The Commission will continue its work with CSC to ensure that human rights considerations continue to be part of their internal decision making and policy development processes and will also continue to provide ongoing expert advice and training on human rights issues.

The Commission looks forward to continuing its human rights work with CSC and other federally regulated employers, unions and service providers.

Mary Gusella
Chief Commissioner

February 17, 2005