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Advanced Farm Manager

Program Outline for 2006-2007
(Use the links below for programs and instructors in your area)

Agri-Food Trends

  • Understand the big picture trends in the agri-food industry
  • Take an extensive look at the agriculture environment, including public policy, marketing, regulations and trade to help you understand your operating environment.

Value Chain Management

  • Learn about value chains and their impact on the  agri-product sector
  • Understand the principles of value chain management and factors critical to their success
  • Examine how applying value chain principles can help you manage risk
  • Learn how to use value chain management techniques to give you a competitive edge

Human Resource Management

  • Maximize the effectiveness and engagement of family members and employees in farm operations, including the recruitment, selection, and orientation of non-family members

Succession Planning

  • Examine options to develop a succession plan for transitioning a growing, viable business

Financial Management

  • Learn to interpret and diagnose from your financial statements
  • Understand your financial performance
  • Use financial records for management

Price Risk Management

  • Learn risk reduction strategies that generate profits
  • Understand futures and options of price risk management
  • Create effective contracts
  • Examine production risk management

In the 2006-2007 program year, the Advanced Farm Manager program is scheduled for Ontario (Woodstock) and British Columbia (Abbotsford) and in French in Quebec (Drummondville).  Program content may vary slightly to reflect regional differences and instructor availability.  Use the links below for workshop information.

November 21 and 22, 2006
Agri-Food Trends – Instructor Larry Martin
Human Resources Management – Instructor Julia Christensen Hughes

January 30 and 31, 2007
Value Chain Management – Instructor Martin Gooch
Preparing your business for transfer – Instructor Allen McWilliam

March 14 and 15, 2007
Price Risk and Commodity Markets – Instructor Larry Martin
Strategic Alliances and Financial Management – Instructor Al Mussell

December 5 and 6, 2006
Agri-Food Trends – Instructor Larry Martin
Visioning and Strategic Planning -Instructor Larry Martin
Value Chain Management – Instructor Martin Gooch

January 23 and 24, 2007
Succession Planning – Instructor Mike Bossy
Human Resource Management – Instructor Julia Christensen Hughes

February 20 and 21, 2007
Financial Management – Instructor Al Mussell
Price Risk Management – Instructor Larry Martin
The Emerging Agri-Food Policy Environment – Instructor Larry Martin

February 14, 15 and 16, 2007
Price Risk Management – Jean-Philippe Gervais
The Agricultural Environment and the Opening of International Trade – Jean-Philippe Gervais
Visioning and Strategic Planning – Maurice Doyon
Value Chain Management – Jean-Claude Dufour

March 12, 13 and 14, 2007
Financial Management, Investment Decisions and Strategic Management – Raymond Levallois and Jean-Philippe Perrier
Environmental Policies – Guy Debailleul
Human Resources Management – Élisabeth Fortier

Register for this program now with your Visa or MasterCard.
You can also call 1-888-332-3301 or visit your local FCC office to get more information or register.

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