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Frequently Asked Questions

Is my money safe?
Yes. Very safe. Investments with FCC are the direct obligation of the Government of Canada. This gives FCC Bonds the same credit quality as Government of Canada bonds, and your investment is fully protected, regardless of the amount. The Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) insures deposits with chartered banks up to $100,000. FCC Bonds are even more secure than that.

In addition to our AAA Credit Rating, FCC Bonds are:

  • RRSP, RESP, RRIF eligible
  • Sold with a variety of terms and interest payment frequencies
  • Available daily
  • Instrumental in raising funds used to support agriculture in Canada
  • Eligible for tax on capital exemption within Quebec

Are FCC Bonds redeemable?
No, FCC Bonds are not redeemable back to FCC, but they are marketable securities.  As an investor, you can sell your bonds at the current market price any time prior to maturity.  This can be done through your broker or Investment Adviser.

Are FCC Bonds back by the Government of Canada?
Yes, completely.

How much do I need to invest?
The minimum investment is $5,000. After that, FCC Bonds are available in $1,000 increments. There is no maximum investment amount.

Is my bond being called or extended?
For the most current information to answer this question, please call our Customer Service Centre at 1-888-332-3301.

Where can I buy FCC Bonds?
FCC Bonds are sold through an easily accessible network of investment advisers. See an investment adviser at any of the following places to purchase FCC Bonds:

BMO InvestorLine
BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
Canaccord Capital
CIBC Investor's Edge
CIBC Wood Gundy Securities Inc.
HSBC InvestDirect
HSBC Securities (Canada) Inc.
Laurentian Bank Securities Inc.
National Bank Discount Brokerage
National Bank Financial
RBC Action Direct
RBC Capital Markets
Scotia Capital Inc.
Scotia Discount Brokerage
TD Financial Group
TD Waterhouse

What are the current rates or yields on FCC Bonds?
FCC Bonds are priced daily based on current market rates. The best way to find the current rate is to talk to an Investment Adviser at one of the above institutions or to call our Customer Service Centre at 1-888-332-3301.

What does FCC use the raised funds for?
FCC uses the funds to enhance rural Canada by providing financial services and loans to farm operations and agribusinesses – loans and services designed especially for the agriculture industry. We also finance value-added agriculture operations and on-farm projects that help diversify and grow our customers’ farm businesses.

I previously purchased Medium-Term Notes from FCC. Are they still available?
Medium-Term Notes is another name for FCC Bonds. So yes, they are still available; they’re just called something else.

What terms to maturity are offered?
FCC Bonds are currently offered with terms to maturity of one to 15 years.

What is FCC's BIS risk weighting?
Zero. FCC, as a federal Crown with the full faith and credit of the Government of Canada, has a zero per cent risk weighting (OSFI, January 2001).

The contents above are for informational purposes only and are not a solicitation or a recommendation that any particular investor should purchase or sell any particular investment product. FCC does not assess or make recommendations on the suitability or the potential value of any particular investment. All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice. Investors are encouraged to consult with their own investment, financial or legal counsel before making any investment.


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