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RFL Group of Companies : a source of innovation

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Ron Lovett wins BDC's Young Entrepreneur Award for
Nova Scotia


(Halifax, Nova Scotia – October 17, 2006)  Always on the lookout for new business concepts, Ron Lovett, 27, has built a dynamic group of companies that offer unique services to the local market.  Ron has been named BDC's Young Entrepreneur for Nova Scotia and will be honoured tonight at a ceremony in Moncton, New Brunswick.


RFL Group of Companies include Source Security, a wide-ranging security services business;  Milano's, Nova Scotia's first bring-your-own wine restaurant;  Silver Marketing, which consults on nightclub and event marketing, and Castone general contracting services for the residential and commercial markets. "It's been a question of finding a niche and filling it," explains Ron of all his business ventures. "I like finding new concepts and creating a new market for something."  RFL's latest project is the Noodle Nook, a Thai and Asian late-night restaurant that will offer take-out food in Chinese noodle boxes in downtown Halifax. 


Ron founded the first business, Source Security, in 2002, after convincing a Halifax nightclub owner to outsource the security work to him. Starting out with three employees, the company today has a staff of approximately 250 part-timers who provide security services for everything from junior high school dances to major rock concerts in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. In September 2005, Source Security provided 500 security people for the Rolling Stones concert in Moncton, the biggest outdoor event ever held in Atlantic Canada.


Opening up to opportunity

"There isn't a lot of competition for event and nightclub security and we offer more qualified, trained professionals than other companies
– we have opened up a new market for higher end security," says Ron of the group's flagship business.   Source Security does extensive recruiting and training to ensure its staff can provide a superior level of service.  Ron has also developed a software program to spot fake identification. Known as IDAT, for Identification Diligence and Awareness Training, it is used by the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation and the Halifax Regional Police.  


Ron credits his core staff of about 30 who manage the businesses for RFL's success. "They help me keep everything running and that enables me to do a lot of business development," he explains.  "Without them I wouldn't be here."   


Building effective communication ties with clients is a priority for Ron.   "Follow-up and relationships with clients are so important," he points out. "We want to know right away if a client is unhappy so we can fix the problem."   RFL Group also builds bonds with communities by providing free security services for some charitable organizations, as well as through donations to various causes and sponsorship of sports teams.

"Ron stands out as a role model for young Canadian entrepreneurs," says BDC President and CEO Jean-Ren้ Halde. "In less than four years, he has built a variety of thriving businesses and continues to expand into new areas.  It's a pleasure to recognize his passion, drive and excellence with this award."


For this self-described "aggressive, problem-solving negotiator" nothing beats taking a new idea and turning it into a viable business.  "It's about being innovative all the time, not giving up and working really hard," Ron concludes. 


Recognition for young entrepreneurs

A major feature of Small Business Week, BDC's Young Entrepreneur Awards recognize the entrepreneurial spirit and business success of Canadians between the ages of 19 and 35. The winners – one from each province and territory –  are selected by a committee based on criteria including success, growth potential, innovation, participation in new economy activities and community involvement. The committee also considers export performance, the entrepreneur's age when the business was started and any special challenges overcome.


Small Business Week partners

National partners help make Small Business Week a success. Western Economic Diversification, WestJet, Rogers, Export and Development Canada, CFIB and Intuit Canada are official partners of the 2006 Small Business Week and Young Entrepreneur Awards. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has been a privileged partner of the event since 1981. 


About BDC
BDC is a financial institution wholly owned by the Government of Canada. BDC actively supports the development and growth of Canadian small and medium-sized businesses through its complementary financial, investment and consulting solutions. BDC is one of Canada's Top 100 Employers for 2007.




For more information or to arrange for an interview on October 17:


Media Room:




After October 17:

Eva Boucher Hartling

Media Relations Manager



  Ron Lovett
Ron Lovett
RFL Group of Companies

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