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Atreus Systems

Atreus Systems Atreus SystemsTM delivers a service fulfillment software platform for the automated creation and delivery of managed IP services and applications. Atreus xAuthorityTM Service Fulfillment Solution is a front-to-back-end software platform that helps carriers and service providers leverage existing network infrastructure through the delivery of high-margin, differentiated IP services.

Atreus xAuthorityTM unifies the front-end customer portal to the back-end OSS enabling service providers to get to market quickly with new offerings and enhance end-user QoE, "quality of experience".  

With Atreus xAuthorityTM, service providers drive top-line revenue growth while realizing significant reductions in operating expenses.

Atreus xAuthorityTM helps carriers and service providers in various ways. It increases average revenue per user by leveraging existing network and OSS investment with subscription-based IP services. Atreus xAuthorityTM automates time-intensive processes traditionally associated with advanced, IP-based service deployment and delivery. It enables service providers to quickly roll out services such as VPNs, firewall, voice over IP and hosted applications. Service customization no longer means networking complexity. Atreus xAuthorityTM gives a service provider the tools to build a flexible, market-responsive portfolio. This frees service providers to respond quickly to emerging market opportunities and immediately realize new revenues.

Atreus xAuthorityTM boosts end-user quality of experience. Based on today's OSS carriers are limited in their scope of service customization. Using Atreus xAuthorityTM, carriers can easily and affordably personalize products and services for groups and individual end-users. Furthermore, Atreus xAuthorityTM enhances carriers' relationships with their customers by empowering end-users to self-subscribe and self-administer services through a user-friendly portal. Atreus xAuthorityTM helps carriers increase customer entrenchment by providing a seamless method of purchasing applications and services incrementally, as determined by their business needs.

Target market
Atreus xAuthorityTM lowers the cost of customer acquisition and drives significant reductions in operating expenses. Atreus xAuthorityTM empowers customer-facing portals enabling end-users to self-register and self-activate services - reducing workload on a service provider's operations personnel. Second, Atreus xAuthorityTM minimizes the touch points within a service provider's operations through the automation of service fulfillment processes such as ordering, provisioning and managing users / services.

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