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BDC Spokesperson, President: Jean-René Halde  Jean-René Halde
President and Chief Executive Officer
Jean-René Halde has more than 30 years of management experience in the private sector. Since 1979, he has held CEO positions in leading companies, including Métro-Richelieu Inc., Culinar Inc. and Livingston Group Inc.  Mr. Halde has acquired a solid understanding of the challenges involved in managing businesses, as well as thorough expertise in corporate governance matters. He is a graduate of the Corporate Governance College of the Institute of Corporate Directors and has acted as Academic Director of the same program in Montréal. Throughout his career, Mr. Halde has been a Board member or Chair of several businesses and organizations, including CCL Industries Inc., Groupe Vidéotron Ltée, Gaz Métropolitain Inc., the Institute of Corporate Directors and the Montréal Heart Institute. Mr. Halde obtained a B.A. from Collège Sainte-Marie, a M.A. in Economics from the University of Western Ontario and an MBA from the Harvard Business School.
BDC Spokesperson - Business Ownership Transition (Succession Planning): Michel Bergeron, Director, Strategic and Business Solutions
Michel Bergeron
Vice President, Corporate Relations

Michel Bergeron joined BDC in March 1999 and became Vice President, Corporate Relations, in July 2006. He is responsible for the development of strategic initiatives with BDC's external stakeholders. He is also currently developing a Business Ownership Transition (BOT) market strategy for BDC, which would respond to the needs of exiting entrepreneurs while taking into account the interests of potential successors. Since joining BDC, he has held various positions in account management and strategic corporate planning. Prior to working for BDC, Mr. Bergeron was an economist with the Department of Finance and Industry Canada in Ottawa. He is a lawyer by profession and holds a Master of International Relations degree.
BDC Spokesperson, Public Affairs: Jason Moscovitz Jason Moscovitz
Vice President, Public Affairs

Jason Moscovitz joined BDC in January 2002 as Vice-président, Public Affairs. He is responsible for BDC's internal and external communication strategies, advertising, information and publications, as well as media and government relations. Prior to his appointment to BDC, Mr. Moscovitz was the Chief Political Correspondent for CBC Television News, which he joined after graduating from Carleton University's School of Journalism. He has also been honoured twice for his contributions to public and political discourse: he was presented with the Hyman Solomon Award for excellence in public policy journalism (1995) from the Public Policy Forum, and with an Honorary Doctorate of Laws for excellence in journalism (1999) from the University of Western Ontario.
BDC Venture Capital

BDC Spokesperson, BDC Venture Capital: Charles Cazabon
Charles Cazabon
Vice President, BDC Venture Capital

Charles Cazabon joined BDC Venture Capital in 2001 as Managing Director, Life Sciences. In February 2006, he became Vice President, BDC Venture Capital, and is now responsible for direct investments made by BDC's specialty groups. Mr. Cazabon has over 15 years of venture capital experience, as well as banking and mergers-and-acquisitions experience. Prior to joining BDC, he was Vice President of Accès Capital, a subsidiary of Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec. Mr. Cazabon holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Western Ontario, a Master of Science degree in Biology from Laurentian University and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Waterloo.
BDC Financing

BDC Spokesperson, Financial Services: Patrice Bernard
Patrice Bernard
Vice President, Operations Support & Strategic Initiatives
Patrice Bernard joined BDC in May 1990. In April 2004, he moved to BDC Financing as Vice President and is now responsible for operations support, which involves participating in corporate planning, establishing field budgets and handling performance reviews. His responsibilities also include reviewing processes, norms and financing solutions to achieve efficient growth without increasing risk or compromising client service. In addition, he manages a call centre and a team dedicated to IT. Mr. Bernard holds a Bachelor of Finance degree from Université du Québec à Montréal.
BDC Consulting

BDC Spokesperson, BDC Consulting: Bruce McConnell
Bruce McConnell
Vice President, Operations Support & Strategic Initiatives BDC Consulting

Bruce McConnell joined BDC in 1998. He is a chartered accountant with 20 years of experience in consulting with small, medium-sized and large Canadian enterprises, and he has hands-on experience in private industry. His responsibilities include supporting Canadian small and medium-sized businesses, through management consulting, to enhance their growth and competitiveness in the global market. Mr. McConnell holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance and Accounting from Bishop's University, as well as an Accountancy diploma from Concordia University.
BDC Spokesperson, BDC Consulting, Eastern Canada: Serge Coulombe
Serge Coulombe
Vice President, Eastern Canada, BDC Consulting
Serge Coulombe joined BDC in 1999, after graduating from the University of Ottawa with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Marketing. He assumed the responsibilities of Managing Partner, Quebec East, before becoming Vice President, Eastern Canada, in 2002. He manages a team of approximately 60 professionals, as well as a network of some 350 consultants, spread throughout Quebec and the Atlantic provinces. Together, they help Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises develop better business practices and compete more effectively on the world stage. Mr. Coulombe completed higher studies in management at Laval University.
BDC Spokesperson, BDC Consulting, Ontario: Brendan Cuneen
Brendan Cunneen
Vice President, Ontario, BDC Consulting
Brendan Cunneen became Vice President, Ontario, BDC Consulting, in December 2004. He leads the group's efforts to foster and sustain the growth of BDC Consulting's business in Ontario for the benefit of customers and the business community at large. He has been with BDC for 27 years and held various management roles in Ontario and Western Canada. He holds a certificate in Economic Development from the University of Waterloo.
BDC Spokesperson, BDC Consulting Prairies & Western Region: Renata Pylypiv King
Renata Pylypiv King
Vice President, Prairies and Western region, BDC Consulting
Renata King started working at BDC in January 2000 and took on the position of Vice President, British Columbia, in April 2006. Her main responsibilities are to oversee, develop and grow BDC Consulting's practice in the Prairies and Western Region, and to help create and develop small and medium-sized enterprises in Canada. As BDC's Aboriginal Champion for Western Canada, she is working on a number of projects with aboriginal businesses and organizations to support their objectives of self-sufficiency and success. Ms. King brings a solid background in private sector business to her position, as well as regional economic development experience. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto (1981) with a major in psychology.
Aboriginal Banking

BDC Spokesperson, Aboriginal Banking: Jim Richardson
Jim Richardson
National Director, Aboriginal Banking
In his position with BDC, Jim Richardson has developed a number of unique products aimed at increasing access to capital for Aboriginal economic development. A status Indian from the Mi'kmaq reserve of Pabineau, New Brunswick, Mr. Richardson served as a senior officer with the Canadian Armed Forces and gained experience at the senior level of government and the private sector before joining BDC. He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Queen's University.
Regional Spokespersons

BDC Spokesperson, Operations Ontario: Jacques Lemoine
Jacques Lemoine
Senior Vice President, Operations, Ontario Region
Jacques Lemoine has worked for BDC since 1974. Prior to his appointment to the position of Senior Vice President, Operations, Ontario Region, Mr. Lemoine was Senior Vice President, Credit, responsible for BDC's lending and Canadian portfolio management. His responsibilities now include managing all of BDC's resources and operations in Ontario, as well as developing BDC's regional presence and profile. Throughout his career, Mr. Lemoine has been actively involved in various community organizations, including Rotary International, chambers of commerce, Junior Achievement and various economic development associations.
BDC Spokesperson, Operations - Atlantic & Québec region: Michel Bourret
Michel Bourret
Senior Vice President, Operations, Atlantic and Quebec Region
Michel Bourret joined BDC in 1969 as a credit officer. Through the years, he has held various positions of increasing responsibility in the credit field. Prior to his appointment to the position of Senior Vice President, Operations, Atlantic and Quebec Region, in August 2002, he was Vice President, Credit Risk Management, at Head Office. He is now responsible for all operations and results achieved in the Atlantic and Quebec area. Mr. Bourret holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from l'Université de Montréal and a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC).
BDC Spokesperson, Operations - Prairies & Western Region: Wellington Holbrook Wellington Holbrook
Senior Vice President, Operations, Prairies and Western Region
Mr. Holbrook joined BDC in 1995 as Manager, Business Training, at BDC Consulting in Winnipeg. Since 1997, he has held various positions with BDC Financing and BDC Subordinate Financing as an Account Manager; Manager, Emerging Markets; and Managing Director, Subordinate Financing. Before taking on his current position, he was Vice President and Area Manager for Manitoba and Saskatchewan. As Senior Vice President, Operations, Prairies and West Region, he is responsible for all operations and results achieved within the area. In the region, he helps BDC fulfill its mandate, serves as the senior spokesperson, and develops BDC's presence and profile. Mr. Holbrook holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Manitoba.

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