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Publications Reports Innu Report

Innu Report

Report to the Canadian Human Rights Commission
on the
Treatment of the Innu of Labrador by the Government of Canada
Professors Constance Backhouse and Donald M. McRae
Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
26 March 2002

Table of Contents
Executive Summary


The Innu of Labrador
The Innu and the Government


Implementation of the 1993 Recommendations by the Government of Canada


The Formal Acknowledgement of the Federal Government’s Constitutional Responsibility


The Abrogation of Funding Arrangements with Newfoundland/Labrador and Commencement of Direct Arrangements with the Innu
The Continuing Role of the Province
The Issue of Registration
The Actual Funding Situation


Direct Negotiations with the Innu in respect of Self-Government


Relocation of the Mushuau Innu
The Physical Environment
The Financing of the Project
The Management of the Project
Innu Involvement in the Project
The Social, and Economic Aspects of Relocation


The Funding to Implement the Recommendations


The Implications of the Recommendations of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
III.The Issue of Land Claims
IV.Canada’s International Human Rights Commitments
V.The Implications of the Government's Failure to Provide the Innu with Treatment Equal to That of Other First Nations for the Period 1949 to 2001
A.Recognition, Registration and Self-Government
B.Innu Education and Health
C.Relocation of the Mushuau Innu
D.The Relationship Between the Innu and the Government
Summary of Conclusions
Summary of Recommendations
Annex A: Summary of Conclusions from 1993 Report
Annex B: List of Interviews Conducted for the 2002 Report
Annex C: Biographical Notes on the Authors

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