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Bycast Media Systems Inc.

Bycast Media Systems Inc. 

Bycast develops software that enables the fault tolerant storage and bandwidth efficient distribution of diagnostics imaging exams for the health sector, including geographically distributed organizations with limited bandwidth connectivity.

To date, the company has filed several US patents covering various aspects of its technology. Bycast's products are based on the Endeavour ArchitectureTM, a distributed grid architecture specifically designed to overcome the scalability, reliability, manageability and security (consistent with US and Canadian governments privacy guidelines, including HIPAA) challenges encountered in the storage and distribution of large volumes or imaging data over IP networks, including the Internet.

Bycast's products enable the creation of sector wide systems that interface with existing clinical information systems and make the capture, archive and retrieval of diagnostic imaging exams easier, faster and more reliable. Bycast's image management systems provide higher performance at lower costs compared to solutions that rely on monolithic servers and expensive storage subsystems.

Bycast's Endeavour ImagingTM will enable cancer care providers to have quick access to diagnostic images incorporated in an electronic health record that is available throughout the geographically distributed network of the BC Cancer Agency's centres and clinics.

Target market
Bycast offers a full range of integration and customization services that enable the company's customers to create best of breed image management systems. The creation of customized systems based on Endeavour ImagingTM enables healthcare enterprises to leverage existing investments in viewing workstations and imaging systems and still take advantage of the latest technologies in security, storage and networking. The aim is to reduce costs and facilitate a smooth transition to a firm-less environment.

Through the adoption of best practices and a systematic approach, Bycast's professional organization allows for seamless change management by creating solutions tailored to the unique and specific requirements of individual healthcare institutions.

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