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Delphes Inc.

Delphes Inc. Delphes develops and markets DiogeneTM technology, an advanced, linguistic-based information retrieval and extraction technology. With its revolutionary Dynamic Natural Language ProcessingTM concept, Delphes Technologies sets a new standard in contextual indexing, searching, and information retrieval.

Delphes offers a full spectrum of applications, from DioWeb Enterprise for complex information infrastructures to DioMorfo for PC users. Corporate applications are marketed via Web integrators, Internet Service Providers, and other Web-active developers.

PC-user applications are marketed via OEMs and directly at Delphes' multilingual online store. Delphes is currently an EMC e-Infostructure Developer, a Sun Microsystems Developer, and a certified Microsoft Partner.

To address the problem of the ever-mounting mass of unstructured information, Delphes Technologies offers a complete range of advanced, linguistic-based information retrieval and extraction applications. The main value of these cost-effective systems lies in letting users stop searching and start finding critical information, setting a new technological standard in contextual indexing and information retrieval.

Delphes' corporate mission is to raise the value of digitized information for businesses and individuals through an advanced linguistic and technological development model, which sustains Delphes' product leadership in information retrieval and extraction technology.

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