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Diaphonics Inc.

Diaphonics Inc.

Diaphonics Inc. is a developer of voice-driven security technologies. Diaphonics grew out of a business need to reduce instances of fraud and disputes arising from the millions of daily transactions between customers and businesses.

Through the combined talents of specialists in voice processing, IT security and interface design, Diaphonics is regarded as an innovator in voice biometrics and voice security. Diaphonics' proprietary technologies prevent fraud and enhance security in a variety of business transactions, including credit card orders, banking and e-commerce.

The need for voice security technologies is growing rapidly. With an estimated 2 billion cell phones by 2003, the global volume of voice-enabled transactions will continue to increase. It is incumbent upon companies to ensure not only that transactions are processed efficiently, but also that steps have been taken to reduce the threat of fraud. Furthermore, should a dispute occur, the company must be able to prove the validity of the transaction.

While companies need to prevent fraud, customers need to be certain that their identities are protected and that transactions are executed properly. With this in mind, Diaphonics has developed Spike Server. Spike Server offers a complete hardware and software solution for voice security.

With Spike Server, the caller's identity is verified with voice biometrics, the transaction is recorded and an audit trail created - three critical components of a secure and safe transaction. The core technology in Spike Server is the patent-pending SoundByte, an audio processing technology that enables secure recording and the creation of a searchable record of voice transactions.

Target markets
Diaphonics is headquartered in Halifax, Canada, with sales partners in Washington DC, Atlanta and Los Angeles.

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