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Net Integration Technologies Inc.

Net Integration Technologies Inc.

Net Integration Technologies (NITI) has developed a family of high performance, simple-to-use, reliable and affordable network server appliances called Net Integrator.

Net Integrator is designed to act as a gateway to the Internet and as the central server for all services. According to Access Media International, there are approximately 8 millions SMEs in North America. Currently, NITI is targeting 3 types of business:

  • Automotive: e.g. Daimler Chrysler alone has over 5000 dealerships.
  • Telecommunications providers: e.g. The Group Telecom has a customer base of 10,000 plus SME customers.
  • Pre-press: there are over 50,000 pre-press businesses in the United States.
Target markets
The company wants also to extend its target markets to other sectors such as, health care / medical / dental / pharmacy, education and e-commerce. The company estimates that the various market segments that they target presently represent between 2.5% to 5% of the total market size.

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