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How To Request Funding

If you are involved in a non-profit organization or registered charity and would like to request information about funding, contact our  Community Investment department directly. For local or provincial program and activities, contact your local FCC office.

We support program and activities that emphasize farm safety and food. Please include details about the specific activity or program for which you are requesting support, the resources requested from FCC and how they will be used.

Project information should also include:

  • Contact information.
  • Your organization's charitable registration or non-profit number.
  • Description of your organization and the activity planned.
  • Plans for measurement and evaluation of project/activity.
  • Opportunities for FCC employee volunteer participation.
  • How many people will benefit from your project, and in what way?
  • How will FCC be recognized for sponsoring this event or project?

FCC does not support:

  • Individual or commercial efforts.
  • Religious, political or advocacy organizations.
  • Organizations/projects geographically removed from areas where FCC employees and customers are present.
  • Agricultural projects that are a conflict of interest to FCC.

To make sure we review your requests properly, please submit your request at least six weeks before the planned activity, longer for larger projects. We will do our best to reply to your written requests within three weeks. Please send your requests for national or Regina area activities to:

Farm Credit Canada

Community Investment
1800 Hamilton Street
P.O. Box 4320
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4P 4L3
Fax: (306) 780-5456


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