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Cultural Practices

Practice makes perfect, but being perfect isn't the goal. It's about developing and encouraging employees to be the best they can be, whether they work in a field office or hold an executive title. Our cultural practices supplement the corporate values by explicitly outlining the behaviour expected of FCC staff at all times with colleagues, customers, partners, suppliers and stakeholders.

  • We hold ourselves and each other accountable for:
    • our impact on business results and our impact on people;
    • delivering on commitments, agreements and promises;
    • building and sustaining committed partnerships, and
    • creating a safe environment where people can speak up without fear.
  • We measure our success by how others perceive and respond to our leadership, not by our personal point of view.
  • We talk straight in a responsible manner. We are committed to the success of others - we do not engage in “conspiracies against” people.
  • We “listen for” contributions and commitment. We do not listen against people or ideas.
  • We are highly coachable. We actively seek and listen to coaching.
  • We clean up and recover quickly.
  • We acknowledge others often and celebrate both small and large successes.

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