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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide



CWB's colourful birthday banners largest in Winnipeg

September 20, 2005

Winnipeg - The largest pole banners ever erected on a Winnipeg building now adorn the Main Street exterior of the CWB's head offices, marking its 70th anniversary as an integral part of Prairie life and the Winnipeg-based grain trade.

"These vibrant and modern banners reflect the CWB's outlook for the future," CWB president and CEO Adrian Measner said of the 34-foot red, green, purple and blue banners, featuring the words Vision, Excellence, Service and Innovation. "We have a proud and rich history, but the future matters most to the grain farmers we serve."

The CWB building is a destination for visitors from across the Prairies and around the world. More than 1,100 grain customers, farmers and industry officials from over 40 countries visited last year. The CWB building is also part of the Exchange District, a nationally recognized heritage area that is a tourist destination and urban attraction.

"This is a welcome enhancement of this portion of Main Street in keeping with our objectives for business improvement," said Lisa Holochuk, executive director of the Exchange District BIZ.

For more information, please contact:

Maureen Fitzhenry
Communications Consultant
Tel: (204) 984-7747
Cell: (204) 479-2451

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