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Michael Wahl defines success through fitness

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Co-owner of Definitions wins the Young Entrepreneur Award for Newfoundland & Labrador

(St. John’s, Newfoundland – October 18, 2005) Definitions – a fitness lifestyle company created by Michael Wahl, 27, and his partner, Mike O’Neil – can now add a distinguished award to its long list of successes. Opened just a year and a half ago, the business has soared in popularity, its products are set to be marketed nationally, a franchise plan has been developed, and the Definitions team is lined up to do an extreme makeover TV show. For his innovative approach and rapidly-growing venture, Michael has earned the Business Development Bank of Canada’s (BDC) Young Entrepreneur Award for Newfoundland & Labrador.

Definitions is based on the concept of “power living”, which Michael, who has a Master’s degree in exercise physiology, describes as “the ability to function in an optimal way in all aspects of your life, such as work, play, family, education, whatever it is that you do. We’ve taken the emphasis off of just working out and put it on having a whole lifestyle approach to fitness that includes planning, nutrition and hydration, among other things.”

Definitions limits membership to 100 clients, catering to a high-end market and providing an upscale environment where nine personal trainers can respond to the specific needs of each member. Its approach is “low volume, high attention”, as opposed to traditional gyms which tend to be “high volume, low attention”.

Definitions’ clients are people with a range of abilities. Athletes, like the highly successful Newfoundland kickboxing team, people with physical challenges and some with serious illnesses all benefit from Definitions’ specialized approach. “We had a client with Multiple Sclerosis who had been in a wheelchair and hadn’t walked without aid for 36 years, and we got her walking,” explains Michael. “We had a woman with four herniated disks who, at 40, won the Newfoundland figure contest and a man with Parkinson’s whose symptoms have regressed.”

These success stories and the Definitions’ concept caught the eye of investors who approached the owners about starting a franchise line. “We didn’t plan to start out franchising right away, but people came to us,” says Michael. “They want in because it’s a very exciting business. When they walk in here, they feel the electricity.”

Honouring young entrepreneurs
A highlight of Small Business Week, BDC’s Young Entrepreneur Awards recognize the achievements of Canadian businesspeople between the ages of 19 and 35, paying tribute to a young entrepreneur from each province and territory. Winners are chosen by a selection committee, based on a number of criteria that range from operating success and innovation to involvement in the new economy, community work and export performance. The winners will be honoured at a ceremony this evening in Calgary, Alberta, celebrating their accomplishments with the theme: “You’re the power behind the Canadian economy, let’s share the energy!”

Defining success
Definitions has attracted the attention of a local broadcasting personality, who is working with the team to produce an extreme makeover TV show. “We’re going to follow one client for 12 weeks,” says Michael, “and we’re going to do training, nutrition, the shopping spree, hair and make-up, skin treatment, etc. The end result doesn’t have to be the conventional image of beauty, but the person is going to look better and feel better and that’s what matters.”

Michael contributes to the community by volunteering his time to speak to groups like the Parkinson’s Association, acting as a consultant for the Canada Games program, and coaching at Memorial University.

“Michael is an example of the best of Canada’s young entrepreneurs,” says BDC President and CEO Jean-René Halde. “The energy and commitment with which he runs his business have resulted in success for himself and generated opportunities for others. He has shown that creativity, passion and dedication make for a powerful combination and drive the Canadian economy.”

“I’ve discovered that if you believe in something and you love what you do, you’ll be successful at it,” points out Michael. “And no one person can make a company. It’s everyone who is involved. We’re fortunate to have an amazing team of people who make our business. I’m really proud of that.”

Small Business Week partners
National partners help make Small Business Week a success. Bell, WestJet and Western Economic Diversification Canada are official partners of the 2005 Small Business Week and Young Entrepreneur Awards. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has been privileged partner of the event since 1981.

About BDC
The Business Development Bank of Canada is a financial institution wholly owned by the Government of Canada. BDC plays a leadership role in delivering financial, investment and consulting services to Canadian small business, with a particular focus on the technology and export sectors of the economy.


For more information or to arrange for an interview on October 18th:

Media Room:
(403) 267-1338

After October 18:
Eva Boucher-Hartling
Media Relations Manager
(514) 283-7929

  Michael Wahl
Michael Wahl

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