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Bank of Canada

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1 June 2000
CONTACT: Laurette Bergeron
(613) 782-8782

Bank of Canada Announces Appointment of Special Adviser

Professor Angela Redish of the University of British Columbia has been chosen to fill the visiting economist position of Special Adviser in the Bank of Canada for a one-year term beginning in August 2000.

This position was created to bring additional views on monetary policy issues from outside the Bank and to increase the number of university and private sector economists with first-hand knowledge of the institution and its monetary policy role. Professor Redish is the third visiting economist appointed to the position. Professor David Laidler of the University of Western Ontario was the first. Professor Daniel Racette of the École des Hautes Études Commerciales, who will complete his one-year term at the end of July, was the second.

Professor Redish graduated with a BA (Hons.) Economics from Wilfrid Laurier University in 1974, and an MA from the University of Western Ontario in 1975. After working for two years as a CUSO volunteer in Papua New Guinea she returned to complete her PhD at Western in 1981. She has taught at the University of British Columbia since 1981 and is currently Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Economics.

Professor Redish is a specialist in the economic history of money in Western economies. She has written numerous articles on Canadian monetary history as well as a book, to be published shortly, on the use of silver and gold in monetary regimes (bimetallism) and the evolution of the gold standard in the West. She has been an active participant in conferences at the Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve system.