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Title Monetary Policy in an Estimated DSGE Model with a Financial Accelerator
Author Ian Christensen and Ali Dib
Type Working Paper 2006-9
Date of
March 2006
Language English

The authors estimate a sticky-price dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium model with a financial accelerator, à la Bernanke, Gertler, and Gilchrist (1999), to assess the importance of financial frictions in the amplification and propagation of the effects of transitory shocks. Structural parameters of two models, one with and one without a financial accelerator, are estimated using a maximum-likelihood procedure and post-1979 U.S. data. The estimation and simulation results provide some quantitative evidence in favour of the financial-accelerator model. The financial accelerator appears to play an important role in investment fluctuations, but its importance for output depends on the nature of the initial shock.

topic index
Business fluctuations and cycles; Economic models; Econometric and statistical methods
E32, E37, E44

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