Canada Post - Frequently Asked Questions of Dimensional Addressed Admail
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Dimensional Addressed Admail

Frequently asked questions

  1. How is Dimensional Addressed Admail different from Addressed Admail?
  2. What do I need to do to use this service?
  3. Will I get a better response with Dimensional Addressed Admail than with Addressed Admail?
  4. Who is using the service?
  5. Do you have any testimonials?
  6. Can I send samples through the mail if I do not know the name of the recipient or do not have a complete address?
  7. Can I mail samples or videos outside of Canada?
  8. Why should I use this service over other forms of advertising?
  9. Dimensional Addressed Admail prices are higher than those for Addressed Admail and it appears that sending samples through the mail is costly. Is it worth it?
  10. Do Canadians welcome samples delivered to their home or do they consider them to be junk?

  1. How is Dimensional Addressed Admail different from Addressed Admail?

    The key difference between the two services is size specifications: Dimensional Addressed Admail allows you to send promotional Items with a thickness of up to 35 mm (or roughly 1 ½ inches) versus a maximum thickness of 20 mm with Addressed Admail. Both services are excellent methods of getting advertising and promotional messages to customers and prospects on a targeted and personalized basis.

    For more information on how big your Item can be, please go to Dimensional Addressed Admail Specifications.


  2. What do I need to do to use this service?

    First, familiarize yourself with the benefits and service specifications that are provided at this Web site or by contacting Canada Post. You should have at least 1,000 Items in your mailing, the mailing must be promotional in nature, and every Item must be addressed to a specific individual, company name or 'occupant' and include a complete address and a valid postal code.

    If you are an existing customer with an Addressed Admail contract, you can proceed to prepare your mailing (see Dimensional Addressed Admail Mail Preparation and Presortation Guide for details). Use the Electronic Shipping Tools to generate total postage due and deposit your mailing with Canada Post.

    If you do not have an Addressed Admail contract, please send us an email to arrange for one.


  3. Will I get a better response with Dimensional Addressed Admail than with Addressed Admail?

    Response rates are based on many factors including the nature and look of your appeal, the integrity of your mailing list, campaign timing, etc.

    One of the key benefits of Dimensional Addressed Admail is that bigger Items will stand out and get noticed. Consumers are drawn to the biggest Items in the mailbox first and sampling is a proven means to build awareness, encourage trial and convert consumers. Research concludes that Canadians welcome direct mail, like samples, prefer to receive them at home in the mail, and are open to receiving advertising and promotions in video and CD format.


  4. Who is using the service?

    A wide range of companies have experienced the power of Dimensional Addressed Admail. These companies represent a variety of industry segments including automotive, consumer-packaged goods, pharmaceutical, consumer and business services, as well as a cross section of small to larger businesses. Mailings have ranged in size from a few thousand Items to national campaigns involving hundreds of thousands of Items.


  5. Do you have any testimonials?

    Dimensional Addressed Admail was launched as a service in October 2000. While we have received plenty of positive feedback from customers who have used the service, no formal published testimonials exist at this time. We are currently developing case studies and testimonials.


  6. Can I send samples through the mail if I do not know the name of the recipient or do not have a complete address?

    Dimensional Addressed Admail must be addressed to an individual (including the option of "occupant") with a full address and valid postal code. Accessing a mailing list may be easier than you think: for example, a directory of existing customers is a mailing list; or perhaps you have names of individuals who have responded to previous campaigns, signed registers, or filled out contest entries with you. There are also many businesses that rent or sell access to mailing lists, and these lists can be tailored to variables that you determine - thereby helping you best target your mailing to the people most likely to respond.

    Our Unaddressed Admail service is an excellent method to distribute samples with no addressing requirement and allows you to target neighbourhoods on the basis of geographic, demographic and behavioural characteristics.


  7. Can I mail samples or videos outside of Canada?

    Dimensional Addressed Admail is available only to customers who deposit their mail in Canada, for delivery in Canada.

    You can mail samples and videos to destinations outside of Canada using one of our international parcel or courier products.


  8. Why should I use this service over other forms of advertising?

    Canadian consumers are inundated with hundreds of advertising messages each day through a variety of media. Dimensional Addressed Admail can help you stand out from this advertising clutter and be noticed, thereby increasing response. It will also help you reduce waste by targeting your message to those most likely to respond. Dimensional Addressed Admail permits you to conduct targeted sampling campaigns - and sampling is a proven method of building brand awareness, encouraging trial and influencing future purchase decisions and conversion. For more information on why you should use the service, go to Dimensional Addressed Admail benefits.


  9. Dimensional Addressed Admail prices are higher than those for Addressed Admail and it appears that sending samples through the mail is costly. Is it worth it?

    Dimensional Addressed Admail prices are higher than Addressed Admail prices because bigger Items are more expensive to handle, transport and deliver.

    But the cost of distributing your samples is only one of the costs you face in undertaking a sampling program. You also face costs associated with the product being sampled, special packaging and so on. This is where Dimensional Addressed Admail can help save you money. Reduce waste and cost by sending samples to only those households or businesses that best fit your target and are most likely to respond.


  10. Do Canadians welcome samples delivered to their home or do they consider them to be junk?

    Addressed direct mail is well received by consumers. Of all forms of Direct Marketing, Canadians most welcome mail.

    With respect to samples, research indicates that almost 90% of Canadians welcome samples and most Canadians prefer that samples be delivered to them at home in the mail.


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