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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide


Producer Payment Option guides

To further compliment the PPO information already available on our Web site, the CWB has now introduced the first annual editions of the CWB producer payment options guides and producer worksheets. This material will be updated on an annual basis and issued coinciding with the start date of the FPC/BPC and EPO programs.

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FPC/BPC, DPC and EPO guides

The guides are designed to be helpful for both the grain industry and producers. Although they contain very specific administration details that may not be of interest to producers, the guides also contains detailed information on how each PPO program works, examples on how the contract values are determined and producer's payments are calculated.

The material in the two manuals are arranged in a similar manner, each beginning with an introduction to the PPO programs, followed by a more detailed explanation of each program. In Part 2 of the guides, grain industry staff will find information regarding the administration of each program, including such important topics as how to report deliveries towards a PPO, program deadline dates, corrections to producer certificates, instructions for completing forms, etc.

The guides also include a marketing strategies section, where producers and industry staff can learn how the programs can be used to set and achieve a variety of marketing goals. The section provides information that can help guide producers on deciding what programs to participate in and the amount of production to commit to them.

Producer worksheets

The producer worksheets provide a brief two-page description of each PPO program and are meant to assist industry staff to explain the programs to producers. Each worksheet contains a working example on how the contract values are calculated, and the total payments a producer can expect to receive. There is room provided in the worksheet where grain elevator staff can enter the current values and calculate a producer's contract price and payments.

Guides and worksheets

2006-07 Fixed Price and Basis Payment users guide
2006-07 Fixed Price Contracts producer worksheets (PDF file format)
2006-07 Basis Payment Contract producer worksheets (PDF file format)
2006-07 Information sheets (PDF file format)
2006-07 Early Payment Option users guide (PDF file format)
2006-07 Early Payment Option worksheets

Please note: These PDF file format documents can be filled-in online and then printed out.

2006-07 Daily Price Contract users guide (PDF file format)
2006-07 Daily Price Contract worksheet (PDF file format)
2006-07 Organic Spread Contract worksheet (PDF file format)