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Jean-Claude De Halla, IT director, Fasken Martineau Dumoulin LLP
Claude Marseille, senior partner, Fasken Martineau Dumoulin LLP

"We needed a field-tested service from a reliable and trusted supplier. We turned to PosteCS from Canada Post. We tend to think of PosteCS as providing a kind of certified mail - something all lawyers use. We were pleased with the results. I think it's a very efficient system."

Case Study

Ann Ebert, Consultant, Specwright architect.
PosteCS has proven to be a fast electronic delivery system for my home business… I especially like the efficiency of this system as I have a record of the dates my work has been sent out and most importantly, if and when [it] has [been] received.

Integrated Business Solutions, James McGuire
I'd definitely recommend PosteCS to anybody for whom security, speed or convenience is an issue.

Fortune 500 International management consulting firm
PosteCS is a very cost-effective method of transferring our data files and we've had 100% success over the several months that we've been using it.

A leading digital media company, Trina Cooper
I think PosteCS is also really advantageous to our clients in that they get the files exactly as we sent them. We can also track when they receive them so that we can rest easy knowing that they got the file on the deadline.

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