Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur général du Canadaa



Message from Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada on the occasion of the death of two Canadian soldiers


November 28, 2006 

"I was deeply saddened to learn, from Ghana where I am currently conducting a State visit, of the death of two of our soldiers in Afghanistan. Chief Warrant Officer Robert Girouard and Corporal Albert Storm were the victims of a car bomb suicide attack while they were driving in an armoured vehicle, south of Kandahar.

I have the deepest respect for the commitment of the members of our Forces who are deploying major efforts to counter oppression and to ensure that women, children and men can thrive in a safe environment.

On behalf of all Canadians, I wish to extend my sincere condolences to the families and friends of Chief Warrant Officer Robert Girouard and Corporal Albert Storm. I also share the sadness of their colleagues in the Canadian Forces who are grieving the loss of two of their own, but who remain determined to meet all dangers head-on to make sure that justice and freedom will prevail."


Media information
Frédérique Tsaï-Klassen
Rideau Hall Press Office
(613) 993-8158

Created: 2006-11-28
Updated: 2006-11-28
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