Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur général du Canadaa

Rideau Hall



We create new recipes everyday just by going into our organic garden, visiting the local market and speaking with our food suppliers. The key to the success of our recipes is to use the products of the season – those that are fresh and that are locally and regionally available. We serve fiddleheads in the early spring, heirloom tomatoes in summer, apples and pears in autumn and root vegetables in the winter. The secret to the taste of these products is locked in their freshness.

There are hidden culinary treasures around every corner in this country and often the best way to find them is to speak with your local producers, grocers, farmers and chefs. They are great resource people.

Our cuisine reflects Canada’s diversity. We balance many flavours and cultural influences in the recipes that we invent every single day. We also take elements of classic cuisine and give them a fresh new Canadian twist. We make Pumpkin Cranberry Forest Cake in the fall. We reinvent classic Tourtière by using Quebec fowl as our main ingredient. Instead of making traditional French toast, we give it an aboriginal flair by using bannock bread with birch syrup and wildberry compote.

Our recipes are designed to stimulate and tempt the senses. Whether it is a crème brûlé or macaroni and cheese, our chefs use their imaginations and their love of food in each dish they prepare. Whether you are a professional chef or just someone who likes to putter in the kitchen, recipes are just guides. It is your personal touch that makes them special.



Created: 2005-09-27
Updated: 2005-12-06
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