Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur général du Canadaa



Governor General to present the Caring Canadian Award to two Vancouver Island residents

March 2, 2006

OTTAWA – Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, will present the Caring Canadian Award to two Vancouver Island residents during a ceremony to be held at Victoria City Hall’s Council Chambers, on March 8, 2006 at 9:30 a.m.

Information on the recipients is attached.

Media representatives are invited to cover this event.

This year, the Caring Canadian Award celebrates its 10th year of existence. The Caring Canadian Award is presented to individuals whose unpaid, voluntary contributions provide extraordinary help or care to people in the community. Recipients usually have served over a number of years and normally have not been previously recognized by a national or provincial honour.

The Caring Canadian Award consists of a certificate and a lapel pin. The award symbol represents Canadians who selflessly give of their time and energy to others. The maple leaf symbolizes the people of Canada and their spirit. The heart depicts the openheartedness of volunteers and caregivers. The helping hand and heart support the maple leaf. The hand is outstretched to portray boundless generosity.

Additional information about this award can be found on our Web site: /honours/awards/cca/index_e.asp.


Media information in Ottawa

Lucie Brosseau
Rideau Hall Press Office
(613) 998-0287
(613) 301-6252

Shelagh Wynn Gourlay, Cedar, British Columbia
Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

Shelagh Gourlay’s exceptional leadership and dedication have changed the face of the small community of Cedar and the lives of its residents. In less than 10 years, she founded the Cedar School and Community Enhancement Society and has been instrumental in the opening of a local RCMP police station, the Cedar Community High School, and the much needed social gathering place, the Cedar Heritage Centre. In addition, Ms. Gourlay has responded to the lack of opportunities for youth by starting a drop-in centre for teens and an affordable children’s summer program.

Garth Harvey, Mill Bay, British Columbia
Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

Garth Harvey wholeheartedly believes in his community. He spearheaded the building of the Shawnigan Lake Community Centre, as well as its museum and library. He was instrumental in the planning and development of community parks and beaches and in the renovations of the Maxwell International Bahá’í School. He created the Community Crier, a newspaper that reaches out to the town’s newcomers. Having experienced first-hand the demanding role of a caregiver and the lack of assistance, Mr. Harvey helped establish several caregivers support groups and founded the Cowichan Family Caregivers Support Society where he continues to be an empathetic counsellor.

Created: 2006-03-02
Updated: 2006-03-02
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