Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur gŽnŽral du Canadaa



Governor General announces two Meritorious Service Decorations

March 27, 2006

OTTAWA – Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, today announced the awarding of two Meritorious Service Decorations (Military Division) to individuals whose specific achievements have brought honour to the Canadian Forces and to Canada. The recipients will be invited to receive their decoration at a presentation ceremony to be held at a later date.

The Meritorious Service Decorations are separated into military and civil divisions, with two levels each: a medal and a cross. The Military Division recognizes individuals for their outstanding professionalism and for bringing honour to the Canadian Forces. The Civil Division recognizes individuals who have performed an exceptional deed or an activity that has brought honour to their community or to Canada.

Meritorious Service Cross (Military Division)

Master Seaman Marc Miller, M.S.C., C.D.

Halifax and Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, and Calgary, Alberta

Meritorious Service Medal (Military Division)

Petty Officer 1st Class Aubrey Rice, M.S.M., C.D.

Halifax, Westphal and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Additional information on Meritorious Service Decorations (Annex A) and the citations for the recipients (Annex B) are attached.


Media information 
Lucie Brosseau
Rideau Hall Press Office
(613) 998-0287

Public information
Chancellery of Honours
Rideau Hall
1 800 465-6890

Annex A

These decorations are an important part of the Canadian Honours System, which recognizes excellence. Meritorious Service Decorations honour either a single achievement or an activity over a specified period.

The Meritorious Service Decorations are open to both Canadians and non-Canadians. Anyone may nominate an individual for the Civil Division of the Meritorious Service Decorations, while a commanding officer recommends possible candidates to a military advisory committee, which reviews nominations and submits names to the Chief of the Defence Staff. Nominations and awards may be made posthumously, but nominations for activities that occurred prior to June 1984, the year in which the honour was first created, are not accepted.

Annex B

Master Seaman Marc Miller, M.S.C., C.D.
Halifax and Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia and Calgary, Alberta
Meritorious Service Cross (military division)

During the afternoon of October 5, 2004, a major fire broke out on board HMCS Chicoutimi. The submarine quickly filled with black, acrid smoke and was left without power. Electrical explosions and molten metal started secondary fires on one of the decks. MS Miller’s initiative, presence of mind, and dedication to duty in attacking and extinguishing these fires were crucial in the initial moments of the accident. He remained calm and focused throughout, assisting several crew members who became incapacitated, and taking charge of a challenging situation. MS Miller’s actions were instrumental in preventing further damage to the submarine.

Petty Officer 1st Class Aubrey Rice, M.S.M., C.D.
Halifax, Westphal and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Meritorious Service Medal (military division)

During the afternoon of October 5, 2004, a major fire broke out on board HMCS Chicoutimi.. The submarine quickly filled with black, acrid smoke and was left without power. PO1 Rice’s ingenuity and outstanding technical knowledge started and kept one diesel engine running manually, providing the required ventilation for the ship. The engine was kept running for 145 consecutive hours, without the benefit of any established procedures or control systems, a feat later deemed to have been technically unachievable. PO1 Rice’s professional experience and sheer determination gave those in command options and ensured that the crew would not have to abandon their submarine.

Created: 2006-03-27
Updated: 2006-03-27
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