Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur général du Canadaa



Governor General to celebrate 10th Anniversary of the Caring Canadian Award during special ceremony at Rideau Hall

April 20, 2006

OTTAWA—Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, and His Excellency Jean-Daniel Lafond will preside at a special ceremony at Rideau Hall on Monday, April 24, 2006, at 10:30 a.m. to mark the first ten years of the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award. The anniversary ceremony is also being held during National Volunteer Week, which runs from April 23 to 29, 2006. 

The Governor General is extremely honoured to celebrate the more than one thousand Canadians who have received the Caring Canadian Award since its creation in 1996:

“Recipients of the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award are the glimmer of hope that saves so many people from sinking into solitude and helplessness. You have touched lives, each in your own way,” said the Governor General. “Without expecting anything in return, you give a part of yourselves to others and you have been enriched by a new experience. On behalf of the people of Canada, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring about your fellow citizens and for contributing to the betterment of us all,” added the Governor General.

The Right Honourable Roméo LeBlanc, former Governor General of Canada, created the award in 1996. Mr. LeBlanc felt a need to create a national award for the country’s unsung heroes who, through their actions and commitment, made a real difference in someone’s life. Since 1996, more than a thousand Canadian women and men ranging in age from 10 to 97 have received the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award certificate and lapel pin. The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, P.C. and M.P., and Ms. Diana Fowler LeBlanc, members of Mr. LeBlanc’s family, will be present at the anniversary ceremony, as well as some Caring Canadian Award recipients from previous years.

Caring Canadian Award Presentation:

Governor General Jean will present the Caring Canadian Award to ten recipients during the special ceremony (recipients’ names follow.) The award is presented to individuals and groups whose unpaid, voluntary contributions provide extraordinary help or care to people in the community. Recipients have served over a number of years and normally have not been recognized previously by a national or provincial honour.  The award consists of a framed certificate and a lapel pin for everyday wear. The award symbol represents Canadians who selflessly give of their time and energy to others.

For more information on the Caring Canadian Award, please visit our special anniversary section at .

To read the recipients’ citations, please see below.


Media information
Rideau Hall Press Office
Marilyne Guèvremont
(613) 998-7280

Public Information
Chancellery of Honours, Government House
1 800 465-6890



Maurice P. Bilodeau

Ottawa, Ont.

Peter Deacon

Gloucester, Ont.

Mona Dubé

Ottawa, Ont.

Lorraine Finn

Barry’s Bay, Ont.

Terrence Fleming

Ottawa, Ont.

Christine Kerr

Fonthill, Ont.

John MacKillop

Gatineau, Que.

Bernard McCann

Vanier, Ont.

John Robinson

Smiths Falls, Ont.

Major (Ret) Lloyd Swick

Ottawa, Ont.

Maurice P. Bilodeau, Ottawa, Ontario
Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

At the Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre, everyone looks forward to Maurice Bilodeau’s heartwarming visits. Since 1988, he has been helping residents, with infinite patience and regardless of their physical condition, to make wooden objects, pottery and other handicrafts. A Second World War veteran himself, he gladly reminisces with the residents about their shared experiences. His relationships with others are always filled with great compassion, sincere and heartfelt kindness, and tremendous respect.

Peter Deacon, Gloucester, Ontario
Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

For more than 15 years, Peter Deacon provided transportation to the members of the Letson Hall Chorus, most of whom were blind, when they attended practices and concerts. With great consideration, he helped them with their belongings and assisted with the group’s social functions. While he was a volunteer driver with the Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre, many seniors and disabled persons also relied on his dependable services. His courtesy and dedication were appreciated by all those he helped.

Mona Dubé, Ottawa, Ontario
Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

Mona Dubé has been a reassuring presence at the Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital Regional Cancer Centre since 1986. She greets cancer patients, helps them prepare for their checkups and often cooks special treats for them to take home. Always available when called upon, she is a comfort to all those undergoing difficult times. Over the last decade, seniors registered with Ottawa West Community Support have benefited from her versatile contributions as cook, server, driver, dance partner, and companion on field trips. In every instance, with her infectious laugh, she spreads cheer into the lives of those she touches.

Lorraine Finn, Barry’s Bay, Ontario
Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

For over 20 years, Lorraine Finn has been a compassionate member of the St. Francis Memorial Hospital Auxiliary as well as a resourceful president. She continues to run the gift shop, to volunteer with the Ontario Breast Screening Program and to serve as a driver. She brings her energy and leadership to numerous fundraising campaigns, including the annual Bay Day activities, which benefit the hospital and other local organizations in the rural county of Renfrew.

Terrence Fleming, Ottawa, Ontario
Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

When his friend Kevin Saunders died at the age of 20 from muscular dystrophy, Terrence Fleming wholeheartedly directed his efforts towards helping find a cure for the disease. To that end, he participated in many fundraising baseball tournaments and established the first “Kevin Saunders Memorial Softball Tournament” in 1994. This annual event is held during the September Labour Day weekend, coinciding with the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon. Mr. Fleming organizes and promotes the event and solicits donations for prizes and food. A childhood friendship that ended too soon has become a source of hope for thousands of people who are afflicted by muscular dystrophy.

Christine Kerr, Fonthill, Ontario
Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

Christine Kerr knows no boundaries when it comes to helping and giving to others. She began her volunteer activities at the age of eight, accompanying her mother at canvassing campaigns, and she has not stopped since. Throughout the years, Miss Kerr’s bright smile, positive energy and confident approach have encouraged many children at the McMaster Children’s Hospital, the Shaver Hospital, and Camp Trillium. She initiated “Summer Smiles for Kids”, a fundraising activity that enables underprivileged children to participate in summer camps. While maintaining an outstanding academic record, Miss Kerr continues to put her compassion, enthusiasm and leadership to valuable use in the service of numerous community organizations.

John MacKillop, Gatineau, Quebec
Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

John MacKillop became a sea cadet officer in 1959 and since then has been an active supporter of the Navy League of Canada and its young members. The driving force behind the launch and the development of the 10 to 13 year olds Sea Cadet Corps in Ottawa, he has steadily improved the standard of the program. In 1995, he led the Navy League through its first national campaign and, in five years, raised over $400 000. A “father figure” and leading presence, Mr. MacKillop is well known for his mentoring abilities and positive outlook in all that he undertakes. A dedicated member of his church for decades, Mr. MacKillop saw to its constant growth and makes continuous efforts to bring the community together.

Bernard McCann, Vanier, Ontario
Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

For 60 years, through musical entertainment at fundraising activities, Bernard (Bunny) McCann has contributed to enhancing the quality of life of Vanier and Ottawa residents. Mr. McCann, a piano player, performed at benefit concerts with his late wife Joan and their 16 children, raising money for Ottawa’s health centres, senior lodges, and religious congregations. Since his wife’s passing, he has continued to raise money for various charities, including the Joan McCann Leukemia Foundation, particularly dear to his heart. Generous with his time and kind words, Mr. McCann has often comforted patients, bereaved families and inmates struggling through difficult periods. He is also a founding member of Action Vanier and of the Vanier Chapter of the Loyal Order of Moose, as well as a long-time member of the Royal Canadian Legion.

John Robinson, Smiths Falls, Ontario
Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

In 1991, John Robinson began volunteering as a driver for the Canadian Cancer Society. When he noted a shortage in transportation services in rural areas, he founded the Masonic Transportation Unit in the Smiths Falls region in 1996. Rain or shine, he ensures a comfortable ride to his “clients”, and his cheerful and caring presence has supported many of them through difficult times. His guidance at the helm of fundraising activities has resulted in generous donations to the Unit, which now includes two cars and several volunteer drivers, and whose model is being adopted by other service organizations. Furthermore, Mr. Robinson has enrolled teams for the Relay for Life since its inception. 

Major (Ret) Lloyd Swick, Ottawa, Ontario
Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award

Lloyd Swick’s selfless dedication is much appreciated at the Ottawa Hospital Palliative Care unit, the Parkdale Clinic, the Peter D. Clark Centre, and at the Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre. From helping veterans with the writing and editing of their books, to distributing gifts and flowers, to playing the piano, Major (Ret) Swick is always available to help out in any way he can. A veteran of the Second World War and of the Korean War, he also shares his expertise with students and military officers in training.

Created: 2006-04-20
Updated: 2006-04-20
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