Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur général du Canadaa



Governor General to honour 31 Canadians with Meritorious Service Decorations

April 25, 2006

OTTAWA — Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, will preside over a presentation ceremony of the Meritorious Service Decorations at Rideau Hall, in Ottawa, on Friday, April 28, 2006 at 10:30 a.m.

The Governor General will present seven Meritorious Service Crosses and 24 Meritorious Service Medals during the ceremony.

Meritorious Service Decorations include both a military and a civil division, with two levels in each category: a medal and a cross. The military division recognizes individuals for outstanding professionalism and for bringing honour to the Canadian Forces and to Canada. The civil division recognizes individuals who have performed an exceptional deed or an activity that has brought honour to their community or to Canada.

A media schedule for the ceremony (Annex A), a complete list of recipients (Annex B), and the citations for the recipients (Annex C), are attached.


Media information

Rideau Hall Press Office
Lucie Brosseau
(613) 998-0287

Public information

The Chancellery of Honours
Government House


9:50 a.m.
Arrival of media - use the Princess Ann entrance

10:00 a.m.
Sound and light checks

10:15 a.m.
Guests take their seats in the Ballroom

10:30 a.m.
The Governor General enters the Ballroom
The Governor General speaks
The Governor General presents recipients with their insignia

11:15 a.m.
National Anthem
End of ceremony




PLACE OF RESIDENCE and current posting where applicable

Lieutenant-Colonel James Patrick Davis, M.S.C., C.D.(military division)

Washington, D.C., U.S.A, and Kingston, Ont.

Colonel Joseph Serge Labbé, M.S.C., C.D. (military division)

Brussels, Belgium and Kingston, Ont.

Brigadier-General Jocelyn Pierre-Paul Joseph Lacroix, M.S.C., C.D. (military division)

Ottawa, Ont. and Magog, Que.

Colonel Barry Wayne MacLeod, M.S.C., C.D. (military division)

Ottawa, Ont. and Halifax, N.S.

Master Seaman Marc Miller, M.S.C., C.D. (military division)

Halifax and Lower Sackville, N.S. and Calgary, Alta.

Lieutenant-General Walter J. Natynczyk, C.M.M., M.S.C., C.D. (military division)

Ottawa, Ont. and Winnipeg, Man.

Peter S. Storms, M.S.C. (civil division) Aurora, Ont.



PLACE OF RESIDENCE and current posting where applicable

Margaret Anderson, M.S.M.  (civil division)

Oakville, Ont.

Colonel William Robert (Bob) Applegate, M.S.M. (military division)

Carlisle, PA, and Lakewood, N.J., U.S.A.

Mary Bales, M.S.M. (civil division)

Kitchener, Ont.

Lieutenant-Colonel Lorne William (Bill) Bentley, M.S.M., C.D. (Retired) (military division)

Kingston, Demorestville and Picton, Ont.

John Russell Campbell, M.S.M. (civil division)

Toronto, Ont.

John T. Chaffey, M.S.M. (civil division)

Kanata, Ont.

Major Richard Alexander Erland, M.S.M., C.D. (military division)

Kelowna and Penticton, B.C.and Ottawa, Ont

Lawrence G. Euteneier, M.S.M.  (civil division)

Ottawa, Ont.

Captain(N) the Honourable Mr. Justice Walter R. E. Goodfellow, M.S.M., C.D. (military division)

Halifax, N.S.

Brian Lynthor Isfeld, M.S.M., C.D. (civil division)

Courtenay, B.C.

Carol Margaret Isfeld, M.S.M (civil division)

Courtenay, B.C.

Captain(N) Darren William Knight, M.S.M., C.D. (military division)

Ottawa, Ont. and Winnipeg, Man.

Josephine Mary Mills, M.S.M. (civil division)

Burnaby, B.C.

Laurence Perry, M.S.M. (civil division)

Whistler, B.C.

Glen Fazal Rajack, M.S.M. (civil division)

San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago

Petty Officer 1st Class Aubrey Rice, M.S.M., C.D. (military division)

Halifax, Westphal and Dartmouth, N.S.

Ann Richardson, M.S.M., (civil division)

Fort Erie, Ontario

Robert J. Richardson, M.S.M. (civil division)

Fort Erie, Ontario

Everett Soop, M.S.M. (posthumous) (civil division)

Cardston, Alta.

Sergeant Cameron MacRae Stout, M.S.M., C.D. (military division)

Ottawa, Ont.

Conchita Tan-Willman, M.S.M. (civil division)

Toronto, Ont.

Vladislav Alexandrovich Tretyak, M.S.M. (civil division)

Moscow, Russia

Garth L. Warnock, M.S.M. (civil division)

Vancouver, B.C.

Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Schuman Williams, M.S.M., C.D. (military division)

Ottawa, Gananoque and Kingston, Ont.


Lieutenant-Colonel James Patrick Davis, M.S.C., C.D.
Washington, D.C., United States, and Kingston, Ontario
Meritorious Service Cross (military division)

LCol Davis is recognized for his outstanding contributions, leadership and tireless efforts in regard to Canadian participation in the Multinational Interim Forces (MIF) in Haiti, and to the transition of operations to the Mission des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation en Haïti (MINUSTAH), from March to August 2004. His stewardship of the task force in one of most quickly mounted missions in Canadian Forces history and his exceptional personal commitment to the operations in Haiti were pivotal to the successful completion of the Mission. Through his remarkable accomplishments, LCol Davis has brought great credit and international praise to the Canadian Forces and to Canada.

Colonel Joseph Serge Labbé, M.S.C., C.D.
Brussels, Belgium, and Kingston, Ontario
Meritorious Service Cross (military division)

Col Labbé was deployed to the Headquarters of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Kabul, Afghanistan, from February to August 2004. In this most challenging operational theatre, his performance as Deputy Chief of Staff was critical to the success of this Canadian-led operation.  He established priorities and synchronized the efforts of a diverse group of representatives from 37 nations that allowed for the successful NATO prosecution of the mission. Col Labbé also fostered key ISAF relationships with NATO and UN representatives, the coalition and the international community.  His outstanding performance brought great honour and respect to the Canadian Forces and to Canada.

Colonel Jocelyn Pierre-Paul Joseph Lacroix, M.S.C., C.D.
Ottawa, Ontario and Magog, Quebec
Meritorious Service Cross (military division)

Col Lacroix is recognized for his outstanding performance as the Commander of the Kabul Multi-National Brigade during Operation ATHENA, from January to September 2004. His leadership and dynamism inspired his multinational team. Through his extensive professional knowledge and exceptional dedication, he made a considerable impact on the security situation in Kabul and set the stage for the successful completion of Afghanistan's first-ever democratic elections. His performance as a while-so-employed Brigadier-General under demanding and dangerous conditions has brought international praise and acclaim to the Canadian Forces and to Canada.

Colonel Barry Wayne MacLeod, M.S.C., C.D.
Ottawa, Ontario and Halifax, Nova Scotia
Meritorious Service Cross (military division)

As Chief of Staff of the United Nations Mission in Haiti from May 2004 to January 2005, Col MacLeod distinguished himself through his outstanding dedication during complex and highly stressful circumstances. His actions in establishing the United Nations Mission, while promoting a secure environment, highlighted his superior leadership skills, determination and patience. During his tenure, Col MacLeod brought great honour to the Canadian Forces and to Canada.

Master Seaman Marc Miller, M.S.C., C.D.
Halifax and Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia and Calgary, Alberta
Meritorious Service Cross (military division)

During the afternoon of October 5, 2004, a major fire broke out on board HMCS Chicoutimi. The submarine quickly filled with black, acrid smoke and was left without power. Electrical explosions and molten metal started secondary fires on one of the decks. MS Miller’s initiative, presence of mind, and dedication to duty in attacking and extinguishing these fires were crucial in the initial moments of the accident. He remained calm and focused throughout, assisting several crew members who became incapacitated, and taking charge of a challenging situation. MS Miller’s actions were instrumental in preventing further damage to the submarine.

Lieutenant-General Walter J. Natynczyk, C.M.M., M.S.C., C.D.
Ottawa, Ontario and Winnipeg, Manitoba
Meritorious Service Cross (military division)

LGen Natynczyk, then MGen, is recognized for his outstanding leadership and professionalism while deployed as Deputy Commanding General of the Multi-National Corps during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. From January 2004 to January 2005, LGen Natynczyk led the Corps' 10 separate brigades, consisting of more than 35,000 soldiers stationed throughout the Iraq Theatre of Operations.  He also oversaw planning and execution of all Corps level combat support and combat service support operations. His pivotal role in the development of numerous plans and operations resulted in a tremendous contribution by the Multi-National Corps to Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, and has brought great credit to the Canadian Forces and to Canada.

Peter S. Storms M.S.C.
Aurora, Ontario
Meritorious Service Cross (civil division)

Between 1995 and 2003, Peter Storms contributed his strategic and project management expertise to the development and hands-on implementation of core public safety policies affecting youth at risk in Canada, and in highly sensitive areas internationally.  In spite of risks to his own personal safety for prolonged periods of time, he displayed relentless efforts and commitment in applying strategies and solutions to strengthen municipal infrastructures and eradicate dangers affecting numerous social, political and civilian organizations throughout the world.

Margaret Anderson, M.S.M.
Oakville, Ontario
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

Following the death of her husband after a lengthy illness, Margaret Anderson saw the need to provide a comfortable environment for the terminally ill who could not be cared for in their own home. In 1997, she founded the Ian Anderson House in Oakville, the first free-standing in-residence cancer hospice in Ontario to provide quality end-of-life care for residents and support for their families. The facility has since been modeled by other organizations. It has also increased its influence through a fruitful partnership with the University of Toronto for research and educational activities in palliative and hospice care in the community.

Colonel William Robert (Bob) Applegate, M.S.M.
Carlisle, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. and Lakewood, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Meritorious Service Medal (military division)

Col Applegate, an American citizen, consistently exhibited an exemplary standard of professionalism, skill and initiative in his duties as US Army Attaché to Canada. During his tenure in 2003, Canada deployed two separate missions to Afghanistan in support of the campaign against terrorism. Coordination between the two armies for these deployments was critical. Col Applegate was an instrumental conduit between the Pentagon, United States South Command, Supreme Allied Commander Europe and the Canadian Forces. His professionalism and leadership contributed greatly to the combined interoperability with our closest ally during a period of conflict, and brought great credit to the Canadian Forces and to Canada.

Mary Bales, M.S.M.
Kitchener, Ontario
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

Concerned by the lack of safe and adequate housing for the most disadvantaged citizens of her community, Mary Bales founded Heartwood Place, an organization dedicated to the conversion of old and underutilized commercial buildings into affordable homes. In December 2003, Heartwood Place unveiled its inaugural project, an industrial site renovated into a 33-unit apartment facility for low-income families in Kitchener, Ontario. Through her dedication, Ms. Bales has had a major impact on resolving the critical shortage of affordable housing in the Kitchener-Waterloo region.

Lieutenant-Colonel Lorne William (Bill) Bentley, M.S.M., C.D. (Retired)
Kingston, Demorestville and Picton, Ontario
Meritorious Service Medal (military division)

LCol Bentley, of the Canadian Defence Academy, is an impressive military political theorist whose experience in operations and strategic policy was central in laying the foundation of today’s professional development reform. His vision and leadership were instrumental in the development of seminal works, between 2001 and 2004,  that will guide the transformation of the Canadian Forces officer and non-commissioned member corps in the coming decades. LCol Bentley’s inspiring work on the reform of the Canadian Forces’ professional development system reflects outstanding credit to himself, the Canadian Forces and to Canada.

John Russell Campbell, M.S.M.
Toronto, Ontario
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

In 1994, John Russell Campbell founded and became president of the Oasis Addiction Recovery Society, a Toronto community-based organization that offers non-residential addiction recovery programs. In its first decade of operation, the Society has assisted over 10 000 people recovering from drug and alcohol addiction to reintegrate into the workforce and society. Through his work with Oasis, Mr. Campbell has not only fostered the creation of employment programs and social and support services, but has also helped to eradicate some of the barriers to compassionate and humane treatment of addiction problems.

 John T. Chaffey, M.S.M.
Kanata, Ontario
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

A leading advocate of ground search and rescue (SAR), John Chaffey has greatly contributed to the development of this field nationwide. Promoter of the establishment of the National Ground Search and Rescue Council in 1997, he succeeded in bringing together all the provinces and territories to elaborate and implement national standards for training. Mr. Chaffey is also credited with the establishment of funding programs for volunteer ground search and rescue development, the creation of the SARSCENE annual workshop, as well as the organization of the SARSCENE Games, at which Canadian and international teams compete in a series of search and rescue skills competitions.

Major Richard Alexander Erland, M.S.M., C.D.
Kelowna and Penticton, British Columbia and Ottawa, Ontario
Meritorious Service Medal (military division)

In August 2003, Maj Erland, then Capt, served with tireless dedication during the City of Kelowna firestorm and follow-up periods of threat to the city.  As the Operation PEREGRINE Task Force 2 operations officer, he displayed outstanding leadership and provided inspiration throughout the demanding operation. Maj Erland’s organizational abilities and professional conduct during a highly stressful period were instrumental in maintaining a sense of balance in the face of chaos, and reflected highly on the Canadian Forces and on Canada.

Lawrence G. Euteneier, M.S.M.
Ottawa, Ontario
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

In 2003, Lawrence Euteneier conceived and developed “Web-4-All”, a world-leading technology for those with disabilities and literacy impairments that affect their ability to use the Internet. The application allows people with visual disabilities to have screens magnified or read aloud. It also permits those with difficulty using a keyboard to use settings or displays that address most dexterity issues and individuals with literacy challenges to access information using both sight and sound. Thanks to Mr. Euteneier’s achievements, Canadians with disabilities can now communicate electronically and access information and services on-line independently.

Captain(N) the Honourable Mr. Justice Walter R. E. Goodfellow, M.S.M., C.D.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Meritorious Service Medal (military division)

Capt(N) Goodfellow's outstanding leadership as Chair of the Military Judges Selection Committee has made a significant contribution to the enhancement of the military judiciary’s independence. A founding member of the Committee, Capt(N) Goodfellow organized and led, in 2000, the development of an unprecedented system of assessment for military judge candidates, one that balances the best practices of federal judicial appointments with the unique demands of the Canadian Forces. His exemplary professionalism and untiring dedication have strengthened the Canadian Forces and the military justice system as a national institution.

Brian Lynthor Isfeld, M.S.M., C.D.
Carol Margaret Isfeld, M.S.M.
Courtenay, British Columbia
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

In 1994, Brian and Carol Isfeld’s son, MCpl Mark Isfeld, was killed in Croatia while carrying out UN peacekeeping duties. Before her son’s death, Mrs. Isfeld would knit woollen dolls for her son to distribute to destitute children in the former Yugoslavia. To honour their son’s memory, the Isfelds continue to this day to craft, ship and promote the delivery of the nicknamed ‘Izzy’ dolls to Canadian soldiers. They, in turn, give them to orphaned and vulnerable children in war-torn regions around the world. Through their generosity and compassion, Mr. and Mrs. Isfeld have kept this tradition alive while alleviating the suffering of children.

Captain(N) Darren William Knight, M.S.M., C.D.
Ottawa, Ontario and Winnipeg, Manitoba
Meritorious Service Medal (military division)

Capt(N) Knight is commended for his remarkable accomplishments as the director of Joint Force Capabilities. From July 2002 to April 2005, he has been the leader and inspirational force behind the Joint Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) accomplishments undertaken by the Canadian Forces. His formidable efforts have charted the course upon which novel C4ISR undertakings are being pursued. The highly professional manner in which he has discharged his responsibilities, his determination and uncommon dedication, as well as his unswerving commitment to the advancement of a complex series of projects and initiatives, have brought considerable benefit to the Canadian Forces, both nationally and internationally.

Josephine Mary Mills, M.S.M.
Burnaby, British Columbia
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

While promoting Down syndrome research and education activities, Josephine Mills saw the need for an organization that would build support groups, create information sources, and champion the need for research.  In 1995, she founded and became executive director of the Down Syndrome Research Foundation based in Vancouver, British Columbia.  Under her leadership, the Foundation successfully raised some $3,000,000 to establish a unique, state-of-the-art resource centre for individuals with Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities.

Laurence Perry, M.S.M.
Whistler, British Columbia
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

On July 26, 2003, helicopter pilot Laurence Perry was dispatched on a rescue mission to the highest peak of Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, United States, where seven climbers had been struck by a bolt of lightning. In spite of the approaching darkness, high altitude, strong winds and lightning strikes, Mr. Perry displayed perseverance and the highest standard of professionalism by flying his helicopter continuously for over eight hours to take rescue personnel to the incident site and to bring back the injured and deceased hikers from the mountain peak.

Glen Fazal Rajack, M.S.M.
San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

During his tenure as Chief Financial Officer of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), Glen Rajack implemented a Memorandum of Understanding between the Certified General Accountants of Canada and the AFN to address the First Nations’ financial capacity and accountability issues. From this arrangement, and through Mr. Rajack’s influence, the Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada was created in 1999. Its aims are to improve First Nations’ financial practices and management skills and to provide their people with an important professional development opportunity. Mr. Rajack’s hard work and dedication to his profession have benefited Aboriginal people, both nationally and internationally.

Petty Officer 1st Class Aubrey Rice, M.S.M., C.D.
Halifax, Westphal and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Meritorious Service Medal (military division)

During the afternoon of October 5, 2004, a major fire broke out on board HMCS Chicoutimi. The submarine quickly filled with black, acrid smoke and was left without power. PO1 Rice’s ingenuity and outstanding technical knowledge started and kept one diesel engine running manually, providing the required ventilation for the ship. The engine was kept running for 145 consecutive hours, without the benefit of any established procedures or control systems, a feat later deemed to have been technically unachievable. PO1 Rice’s professional experience and sheer determination gave those in command options and ensured that the crew would not have to abandon their submarine.

Ann Richardson, M.S.M.
Robert J. Richardson, M.S.M.
Fort Erie, Ontario
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

In May 1999, Robert and Ann Richardson established the Dreams to Memories Foundation in Fort Erie, Ontario. This charitable organization assists families with a terminally ill parent with children under the age of 15 in fulfilling a final wish. Actively involved in the Foundation, the Richardsons have led a number of fundraising activities—including garage sales, barbecues and motorcycle rallies—which have enabled the Foundation to grant many dreams over the years, and create  precious memories for families.

Everett Soop, M.S.M. (posthumous)
Cardston, Alberta
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

An advocate for Aboriginal people and physically challenged persons, the late Everett Soop, who personally suffered from muscular dystrophy, worked unselfishly for the cause of First Nations peoples living with disabilities. His efforts during his tenure with the Alberta Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities culminated in 1993 with the publication of a major report entitled Removing Barriers: An Action Plan for Aboriginal People With Disabilities. Mr. Soop, who passed away in 2001, is remembered for his relentless quest for social justice for his people, as well as for his unique contributions to his province and his country.

Sergeant Cameron MacRae Stout, M.S.M., C.D.
Ottawa, Ontario
Meritorious Service Medal (military division)

Sgt Stout is commended for his exceptional contributions to the global campaign against terrorism. He demonstrated keen professionalism, initiative and dedication through his use of emerging intelligence technologies in order to produce, between March 2002 and June 2003, groundbreaking analytical techniques and valuable intelligence. Sgt Stout’s exhaustive research of open source material has led to a substantially increased depth of knowledge into past and present activities of terrorist groups. This knowledge of critical importance has placed Canada and the Canadian Forces among the foremost countries in counterterrorism initiatives.

Conchita Tan-Willman, M.S.M.
Toronto, Ontario
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

In 1987, university professor Conchita Tan-Willman founded PRIME Mentors of Canada, an innovative mentoring program for students with high creative abilities who tend to be underachievers. By tapping into the wealth of experience, talent and skills of caring adults, particularly seniors and university students, the organization delivers a special proactive program for at-risk children, pairing mentors and protégés based on similar interests and strengths. Thanks to Dr. Tan-Willman, this intergenerational project has provided a new approach to learning, while creating an opportunity for youth to initiate and lead projects, achieve high literacy skills and find motivation for lifelong learning.

Vladislav Alexandrovich Tretyak, M.S.M.
Moscow, Russia
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

Remembered as an outstanding hockey player, Vladislav Tretyak, now a deputy in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly in Russia, founded the Group of Friends of Canada in 2003. As a respected advocate of Canada in Russia, he has led a group of 30 influential deputies to promote the development of strong ties between our countries and to establish ongoing relations between State Duma officials and the Canadian Embassy in Moscow. Mr. Tretyak has brought great pride to his country and to Canada.

Norman Miles Kneteman, M.S.M., Edmonton, Alberta
Gregory S. Korbutt, M.S.M., St. Albert, Alberta
Jonathan R.T. Lakey, M.S.M., Edmonton, Alberta
Raymond Victor Rajotte, M.S.M., Edmonton, Alberta
Edmond A. Ryan, M.S.M., Edmonton, Alberta
A.M. James Shapiro, M.S.M., Edmonton, Alberta
Garth L. Warnock, M.S.M., Vancouver, British Columbia
Meritorious Service Medal (civil division)

Referred to as the Islet Transplantation Group, this team of doctors developed a new treatment for diabetes.  Known internationally as the Edmonton Protocol, the technique, announced in June 2000, consists of injecting healthy pancreatic islet cells into diabetics to restore control of blood glucose without any further need for daily insulin injections.  The procedure also introduced a new combination of drugs to prevent the body from rejecting the transplanted cells.  The breakthrough treatment pioneered by this team of doctors has received widespread international acclaim and is now being taught by health facilities around the world.

Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Schuman Williams, M.S.M., C.D.
Ottawa, Gananoque and Kingston, Ontario
Meritorious Service Medal (military division)

LCol Williams has distinguished himself through his outstanding performance as the deputy chief operations officer of the Intelligence Division, International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Kabul, Afghanistan. Between February and August 2004, his development of actionable operational intelligence resulted in 50 source-driven operations that had a direct impact on saving lives and providing the secure environment necessary for the rehabilitation of Afghanistan. Displaying leadership by managing a team of over 200 intelligence operators, he was instrumental in establishing ties with US intelligence agencies and with Afghan security institutions that have led to unprecedented levels of security within the ISAF areas of operation.

Created: 2006-04-25
Updated: 2006-04-26
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