Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur gŽnŽral du Canadaa



Message from Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean Governor General of Canada on South Asia earthquake

“I was very sad to learn of the violent earthquake that struck Afghanistan, Pakistan and India this weekend. The natural disaster has devastated regions of these three countries and brutally taken the lives of untold numbers of children, women and men, while many others have lost their loved ones and all their possessions. The thoughts of my husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond, myself and all Canadians are with the inhabitants of the countries affected by this disaster, which has shocked the whole world.

“Canada has been enriched by its citizens of Afghani, Pakistani and Indian origin. If you are awaiting news from or mourning the loss of relatives, friends or other loved ones, rest assured that all Canadians share in your sorrow today and are reflecting on this tragedy with you.”

Michaëlle Jean


Media information

Lucie Brosseau
Rideau Hall Press Office
(613) 301-6252

Created: 2005-10-10
Updated: 2005-10-11
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